5 7

So you can save carbon and oil, the cost of a lawn mower, get great exercise, and impress your friends with your amazing skill. Why don't we all do it this way ? Be amazed.

Fernapple 9 Sep 5
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Interesting. Definitely something for open spaces. I would make a mess if sything, I am confident.

My answer to lawn care on my quarter acre was to let much of the back yard go to understory meadow and to build as many raised beds in my front and side yards as I could fit. I have reduced the lawn by about 50% but am left with lots of strips of lawn between beds. A scythe would be hopeless, my hands, at least, lol. Between my battery powered weed trimmer and my 25+ years old black and decker electric push mower, I get exercise and don't burn gasoline or oil directly. My mower is corded, so no battery to fade out after however many years. I have only run over the power cord once.


I don't think my CC&R's would allow my grass to get that long. I'm terrible about mowing and the city let's me know about it .... early (probably because they have come to know me 😊 ).

RussRAB Level 8 Sep 5, 2020

It looks like an incredible workout. The barefoot look makes me cringe.

I was going to comment on the wonderful things it could perhaps do for the figure. But then I though better of it, because the feminists on here might misunderstand. LOL


This is how we harvested hay. We kids walked behind the man with the scythe and gathered it up and tied it together with bunches of green grass and set it up in teepees to dry.
The scythe is the most frightening tool on the farm, right behind the bull castrator.
Sheep and goats make much more efficient lawn mowers.

Having said that, which is certainly true. I used to love using one, there is and almost sensual pleasure in sweeping through the grass.

@Fernapple Yes, I think that maybe so. For me, left-handed and nearsighted, it was always too frightening.

@Spinliesel And this young lady is doing it in bare feet !

@Fernapple Yes, I saw that. Still shuddering!
The only time I feel good about seeing a scythe is when Death is holding it in the Terry Pratchett movies.


My first job for the borough parks department when 14 or 15 included learning how to use & sharpen the English scythe which is held into the shoulder & pivoted around the front of the legs by moving with the lower arm only.
Here in Australia I eventually acquired a European style similar to that in your video. I've now had it for about 40 years, kept out of nostalgia.
There is a very good video of a competition between a petrol whippersnipper & a scythe. The scythe won by about 10 metrs over 20!

Yes I have done some sything myself but nothing like that in the videos. That young man is Olympic Gold medal standard. I guess unless you have done some you can not really understand how good it is. While the quality of the young womans work is just outstanding, truly beautiful, (The work and the young lady both. )

@Fernapple I doubt that the competitor is Olympic class. At one time this was the only way of cutting down grass or cereal crops. A scytheing labourer would have probably been expected to work from dawn to sunset cutting during harvest time.

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