3 10

Finally, after many years, my front yard Yucca is blooming. The deer like the blooms in the side yard (it is unfenced) for desert but the front one is fenced and I tend to it regularly. I's gotten to about 7' tall.

JackPedigo 9 July 13
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I had yucca gro9wing in my front yard in Ft. Huachuca AZ. They make stunning displays!

Spinliesel Level 9 July 13, 2021

We had a small one in the Seattle home. I got tired of having it poke me so we put it outside and it did well. They do surprisingly well here.


yucca flowers may be eaten raw because they have a mild sweet taste

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 13, 2021

I never knew that.

@OldGoat43 @Glennlab I've had mine for 25 years and I didn't know that, either. Mine have stopped blooming until autumn. I'll have to give it a try.

@Lauren Wow, I even found multiple recipes, I've had the root before (pretty bland)

@glennlab I'll be darned! They look pretty interesting, and who doesn't like deep fried treats?

Interesting, the deer do like them but I never thought humans could eat them as well. After all the deer also eat rhubarb leaves.


Keep feeding and watering it . They survive the drought years , by not reproducing .

Cast1es Level 9 July 13, 2021

Thank you. I don't really feed it but do remove all the lower dead leaves. There is a bird feeder (suet only) nearby and I imagine the birds fertilize it. I also water it occasionally. My big problem is knowing whether it likes acid water or hard. The well has hard water with iron and some plants do well. Some, like a Camellia and a Rhoddy only want acid water - which I collect and use for certain plants.

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