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To all the gardeners. Help the birds.

Jolanta 9 Jan 3
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An acre of native prairie plants their seeds & winter cover. This seed head looks as a teasel, which is invasive in the US. Then there are the bird feeders.

Mooolah Level 8 Jan 3, 2022

That and putting out suet helps keep them warm

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 3, 2022

I plant sunflowers for the cardinals and other seed eaters. The cedar wax wings come by for a couple of days a year to clean all the seeds off my hollies and Chinese photinias, if you walk out when they are eating it sounds like a jet taking off.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 3, 2022

I usually get smaller birds like sparrows picking at the sunflowers that grow as volunteers in my garden. The cardinals and blue jays are more likely to be seen in the hackberry trees at the back of the yard or in the photinias that screen the side of the yard from the street. The squirrels often pick at the hackberries. I imagine the birds like them also since they volunteer regularly along the fence. Recently, I've had a lot of white winged doves in my trees, and they seem to attract hawks.


They also find lots of goodies in the fallen leaves, left to decompose over the winter!


Birds and the bees are life!

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Posted by FernappleIt is time for the flowering of one of my favourite roses.

Posted by FrostyJimBerries do very well in Alaska... I'm growing strawberries, honeyberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and black currants ...oh and rhubarb too - it goes well with berries in a pie, jam, or cobler!

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Posted by FrostyJim...why didn't I think of that?

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