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The cheek of of them all, unbelievable I say, unbelievable.
It seems that I was "running a bit late in "organising" breakfast for the local avian visitors so they may have 'elected' a 'spokes-bird' to drop a few friendly reminders at my front door.
Sitting quietly and enjoying my breakfast, a coffee and 2 slices of toast with bacon on them, may breakfast gets disturbed by a tap-tap-tapping sound coming from the front wall/door of my house.
I get up to check, not all that easy to do at present, but I do so and what am I confronted with but a pair of Crested Wood Pigeons tapping at the door/wall to remind me that their breakfast has not been delivered to them as yet.
So, I temporarily postpone my enjoying of my breakfast, got out and fill their seed bowl, under the very watchful eyes of one the more courageous of the Wood pigeons, am followed over to the seed bowl and no sooner than I start pouring in the seed than the awaiting 'crowd' starts to descend enmass almost like a crowd of hungry vultures on a fresh corpse.
Not only do the local bird life now visit my home for a free meal or two but as I return to MY breakfast and look out of the window I see that a number of vehicles are actually stopping and watching as the feather host enjoys their breakfast.

Triphid 9 Mar 11
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Good for you.

Fernapple Level 9 Mar 12, 2022

Seed bowl? I have 7 feeders, each with a specific type of seed. One suet feeder that I keep all year for the woodpeckers. When the peanut feeder is empty blue jays will verbally protest & woodpeckers visit my window. Never gets old.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 11, 2022

Yes, seed bowl which mine is one made from a complete plastic base that goes UNDER a flower/plant pot.
Fyi, most of my Avian Guests are seed-eaters such Australian Cockatoos, Galahs, Crested Woodpigeons, etc, etc.
Though on some occasions I also get guests such as Magpies, Honey-eaters and the like for which I also have separate feeding stations set up, especially for the Magpies as they are primarily carnivorous in that they prefer raw meats, grubs, fish such as a sardines, mice, etc, etc, the honey-eaters get and enjoy my mix honey, concentrated fruit juices and distilled water which dribbles as they feed from a homemade and designed bird feeder.

Btw and FYI what I choose to call a seed bowl has a diameter of approx, 410 mms with a depth of only 16 mmm.
Imo, perfect for birds all sizes to feed from, which they have been doing now for well over 3 + years.


They have you trained well.

I agree with you 100%.

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