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Oops I did it again! Lol. 4 more zucchini bread loaves for the freezer. Still baking. I put a new one into the oven every 10 minutes...that’s why they are all in different stages of baking. Tomorrow I’m gonna try to get six done.

SkotlandSkye 8 June 11
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Making bread while the vine proliferates.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 11, 2018

I like that!


Not a fan of zucchini or the other members of the Nightshade family of veggies but you sure seem to be having fun and that's what it's all about. 🙂

Surfpirate Level 9 June 11, 2018

um.....zucchini is NOT part of the Nightshade family. In fact, it's recommended as an alternative for people who have sensitivity to nightshade plants such as eggplant.

Here, I found you a link that clearly shows that it's not part of the Nightshade family. []

@DharmaEngineer that's what I said! LOL Thanks for the additional links and info. 🙂

@SkotlandSkye Well I'll be buggered, I get the same nausea when I eat Zucchinis as when I eat Eggplant and always assumed that they were both Nightshades and that was my problem with them. I once had an important business dinner with an important client who made Eggplant Parmigiana which smelled delicious and I did eat some but I barely got down the driveway and around the corner before I had to pull over and hurl. Thanks for the heads up, I do love tomatoes, peppers and tomatillos so it must be something else.

@DharmaEngineer Thanks, Zucchini still makes me want to puke so it must be something else. More Zucchini for everybody else. 🙂

@DharmaEngineer the site sometimes has a lag time for when things get posted 🙂

@SkotlandSkye I have never heard of 'nightshade' before. I like most plants and none seem to react badly with my body, but thanks for the education.


I did some for the farmer's market about 4 years ago and when I used top and bottom racks, the bottom were undercooked. I flopped at being a bread maker, ha ha!

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