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Phooey! I have gray leaf mold on my yellow squash. I took a leaf sample to the nursery and they confirmed it. Anyone have a home remedy?

farmboy2017 7 June 13
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Any increase in alkalinity can help, that is what the baking soda is doing. A little lime to the soil can help reduce its occurrence as well.

It seems to be ok. Maybe I was premature on my concern. But...things can change!


Pull the leaves that are affected off, try the bi carb treatment. my plants keep on growing and fruiting.

Glugg Level 1 June 15, 2018

Table spoon of baking soda to 1/2 teaspoon of organic/natural dish soap....add to one gallon of water....mix well and spray onto plants.

I used neem oil and water once in a "mist" bottle and that worked too..

The rain may have helped. I expected to see the mold having spread but this morning I don't see it, just the dead edges of a few leaves. We'll see where it goes!!


The disease is called powdery mildew. Once it gets started in a crop, you can slow it down, but you can't stop it. The key is prevention. Both Ortho and Bayer have fungicides that can help. I actually spray the soil where I am going to plant squash before I till it up. Once the squash has come up or as soon as you place squash plants in the soil, They need to be sprayed with fungicide at least every couple of weeks to keep the milder from eve getting started.

If you are going to go strictly organic, there is no way to stop it.

wordywalt Level 9 June 13, 2018

It's just a few days from blooming and that's the shame of it. I'll see if we can get some harvest from it and then probably pull it up and plant something else.

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