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I have been cutting down a lot of invasive Congon grass and adding it to my chicken/duck powered compost pile. But I need to add more nitrogen to kick start and heat it up some. So I’m adding my own urin by peeing in a jug and dumping it on the compost every morning. My girlfriend isn’t to happy about the jug on the back of the toilet. So I told her I’ll just keep it on the night stand. That went over like a fart in a elevator Lol.

Donto101 7 June 13
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Cattle manure maybe a conducive choice for your girlfriend and a better source of nitrogen.

I don’t have easy available cow manure.

Although I have been told I talk a lot of shit. Lol

@Donto101 LOL, pee it is then. You could double the household out put if you got the girlfriend a bedpan.

@HeathenFarmer I told he I would buy her a funnel but she ain’t haveing it

@Donto101 LOL. Try the bedpan she may be more receptive after all it is for the environment.

@HeathenFarmer she said she isn’t peeing in anything but the toilet. Lol


If i lived in the country I'd go for a composting lavatory. I could get quite obsessed with compost.

CeliaVL Level 7 June 14, 2018

Nice stand of tree shelter at the back of the lot. Does it protect from prevailing winds?

FrayedBear Level 9 June 13, 2018

Yes the oaks are quite strong everyone around had trees down after the hurricane but all of ours stud strong.


I've found that if you water the compost as you add to the pile, it aids the composting process. Urine has extra minerals and stuff that adds to the compost. Can't go wrong with either or both methods.

We water it every day with duck pond water.


I'm a farm boy and I endorse this announcement ?


I was trying to heat up my compost as well, and I live alone. So when I'd think about it on the way to the bathroom I'd grab a big bowl and pee in that and then carry it out to the compost, and then put that bowl in the dishwasher. But again, I live alone. I do as I darn well please and don't have to answer to anyone.

If I pee in one of our bowls she will kill me in my sleep.

@Donto101 As I said, I live alone. But really, soap and water are the miracle drug. Geeze. Actually I learned about adding urine to the compost heap from my late former father in law. He was a chemical engineer and a South Texas farm boy. My suggestion to keep peace in your home is to find a dedicated urine container that will never be used for any other liquid.

@HippieChick58, @Donto101 When living off grid I found that a 2litre milk bottle was of convenient size. Nowadays the truckies are frequently littering the roads with 2 and 4 litre PET bottles filled with urine. They also line them up at freeway toilet car parks when they stop to have a dump.

@FrayedBear the V8 bottle seems to be pretty much the perfect size. I fill it up with my multiple trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night although to would prefer to lid and opening be just a little wider. But sill better then a milk jug. Lol

@Donto101 lol, bragging again.?

@FrayedBear lol I wasn’t thinking about it like that. I’m half asleep and it’s in the middle of the night when I’m peeing in the jug. I have see Permaculture videos where they do this but use big mason jars.

@Donto101 lol. You never queried the "gezunder" so I presume you know what that is? ?

@FrayedBear chamber pot

@FrayedBear chamber pot


Just a suggestion here....
You might want to remove the V8 tomato juice label from that jug.
Just sayin'......

Lol if someone is going to drink V8 juice off the back of a toilet they deserve what they get lol


A man after my own heart.

Lol, but I still cry at the 60 year old memory of a girl's cries of "I don't want more operations" being wheeled to her death during another operation trying to repair the effect of having drunk bleach from a lemonade bottle still saying that it was lemonade.

@FrayedBear that’s horrible ok I’m removing the label now.

@Donto101 good onya!

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