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I posted this in the wrong place but I'm sure a few of you will find it. Any vegetable gardeners out there try their hand at growing asparagus?

Alvinsmama 8 July 6
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I have grown it and found it does best in sandy soils here where it can actually become a weed. Neighbours of mine grow acres of it and it represent a major part of the farm income as fresh, frozen and pickled products.


We grew it deliberately for a while then gave up but it has self-seeded and comes up in unexpected places in the garden. Wild asparagus grow in ditches around here in the spring before everything dries up and is avidly collected. Makes a nice omelette.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 7, 2018

Mine do well as part of the landscape.
Note: try to get a male plant . This will eliminate volunteering.
Asparagus likes well drained soil and full sun.
Two or three plants will put quite a bit of asparagus on the table

Leafhead Level 8 July 6, 2018

I had two plantings about 2 months apart. First one with 9 crowns failed. The second had 20 crowns and only 5 lived. I planted some at the farm 4 years ago and ignored it last summer and it's still alive! I'm watering it this summer.


Yes and it's the best from the garden. But don't expect immediate results it does take a year or two before it could be harvested

Kojaksmom Level 8 July 6, 2018

We've a 1 foot x 20 foot patch that has produced lots of asparagus for the past 6 years. Easiest vegetable to grow.


I started a 5x10 bed of nothing but asparagus this year and it is coming along nicely, much better than last year when it all died on me.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 6, 2018

Any ideas on what went wrong last year? I may try asparagus next year, and hope to get some tips before next spring

I think I just got too busy building our new house and neglected the asparagus at that critical early stage, it is pretty easy to take care of once it is established but you have to get past the initial growth stage.




I planted some in a planter . One of my cats has decided it's the perfect place , to dig a hole in which to curl up and take a nap .

Cast1es Level 9 July 6, 2018
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