8 10

I'm sure my fellow Agnostic Gardners have noticed that I <ahem> enjoy an adult beverage or two while doing gardening projects. I admit I saw "it".
Anyone else here see "it"?

bigpawbullets 9 July 14
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Apparently I have a drinking problem

Donto101 Level 7 July 15, 2018

What’s a problem? I have no problem with drinking beer as long as I don’t overdo it. Good looking beer!

Trajan61 Level 8 July 15, 2018

It instantly jumped out at me. ...I really don't like beer. Even drank it for a year living in Germany, beer "Mecca." Had to choke it down. Bitter, like I imagine horse piss might taste. I was in my early thirties when I realized there was absolutely no reason I needed to make myself drink. I had thought is was part of being social, but the only people who would care that I don't drink would be people with alcohol obsessions, themselves.

I'm more of a smoker myself (not cigs)

@Leafhead good. As mood altering substances go, none is without some risk, but marijuana is the least dangerous. A British study a few years ago found alcohol use to be 5 times as destructive, in terms of addiction, damage to physical health, and loss of control/destructive behavior. Weed has sure never caused a bar fight or sports stadium riot. Lol. Of course, in the USA, here in "the land of the free," ? the federal government has effectively blocked any research on the question of risks and benefits. We are expected to just accept on "faith" that it's bad for us.

Alcohol wreaks havoc with my seizure med too. I have never, ever had a seizure from smoking too much.
Smoking doesn't make you puke either, unless you take too big a hit (greedy bastard!)
Smoking too much weed just makes anyone just go to sleep, after raiding the fridge!
Don't drive drunk; don't grocery shop stoned 😉

@Leafhead I am a licenced clinical social worker. Using weed would put me at risk of losing my license. Plus, I don't really feel any need for it. But I understand it has numerous positive qualities and am all for it being legalized. I was an addiction counselor for a partial hospitalization program for 10 years and have done way more reading on the subject of addiction than I will ever personally need, but it has spurred me to read up critically on the subject of AA history, especially its religious roots that AA tries to deny but which are fact. I degrees again. I am good at that, apparently. Lol


I may have a problem.




right away

btroje Level 9 July 14, 2018

My problem is beer doesn't like me. I wish I could drink beer, but haven't found one yet that doesn't make me regret drinking it. Sigh.


Are we calling it a problem?

Minta79 Level 7 July 14, 2018

Not me!!!!!

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