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Just out of you think people with gardens are less likely to "pick up and move" if they meet someone special...

Are they less likely to even start talking to someone who is far away?

Conversely, do you think people who don't garden avoid people who do garden as potential mates because they don't want to have to help garden?

Things I ponder while I make pickles....

SkotlandSkye 8 July 18
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It's an interesting question. Maybe it depends on the stage of life you are at. I'm not looking for potential partners but I would be friends with someone who wasn't interested in gardening as long as they didn't interfere with my gardening. I don't think I could have a life-partner who had no interest in my garden, though they don't have to do the work. I will do that. I think an addicted gardener might well put a non-gardener off!

CeliaVL Level 7 July 19, 2018

addicted gardener! LOL


Suppose if it came down to it I would choose love over vegetables. Always good to start new gardens.

Razorjelly Level 7 July 18, 2018

No, No and No ; )

freeofgod Level 8 July 18, 2018

I have grand babies within a 20 minute drive. That is why I don't want to move. I can recreate the garden anywhere, not so much the babies.


Here's another of my thoughts. First wife didn't garden, wasn't interested in art, didn't hike, and didn't do anything with me. If there's a second ltr, she at least has to have one of those interests. Otherwise I'm staying single and staying put.

I concur! I couldn't be with someone who was a couch potato.


Not, perhaps, just people with gardens, rather, people who love their gardens. It does not stop us entirely, but we will be much more deliberative about it. I am just now starting to construct my garden. I won't likely retire for 16-17 years, at which point I think I will want to leave this backwater state. But if my garden has grown into something close to what I envision it can be, it will be bittersweet to leave it. Guaranteed, if that time comes, I will be transporting masses of plant starts. And if I can buy someplace already with a significant garden, I will feel better about it.

@MikeInBatonRouge, I recently left my three acres of yard and garden that we had spent twenty years putting in. Several things I hated to leave behind. My star magnolias, that I raised from a root a friend had given me, was the worst. A few thing I was able to bring. Very few.


If it we're fruit trees, that would really be tough to leave.


I don’t know if I could answer that the first part of your question. I didn’t really garden when I was single. But when I was single I didn’t give a second thought to if someone I was interested in dating had a garden. I didn’t even give it a first thought.

Donto101 Level 7 July 18, 2018

nice thoughts to ponder - I am a 'constant gardener ' I think other people garden for many reasons and my partner is not a gardener but will help with construction projects - I think I might be a 'chancer' gardener because I experiment a lot and it doesn't always turn out well . This year has been quite a disaster for us with a hosepipe ban and maybe our hottest months ever when we are really used to constant rain and don't quite know how to cope .

jacpod Level 8 July 18, 2018

May I ask what a hose pipe is?

@farmboy2017 its a long length of rubber tubing that you attach to a tap if you don't live near a source of unsalty water - you then turn the tap and hey presto! the water from the reservoir up the road comes magically down the way and is forced through the small pipe. We don't need it much here as the rain it raineth every day usually but this year we have had an ongoing heatwave and the ban hit us just at the time all was really really beautiful- so now we are in the ugly bit and water is extremely heavy and I am small and 70 y.o.


I think relationships with people are more important than relationships with squash. But I do enjoy my gardens and am proud of them

@kenriley poor baby..


I don't want to but I will move. Hoping that the new owner keep the garden and enjoy my labor of love.

Arshi Level 5 July 18, 2018

I don't move with them. They move with me. My situation is always better. That is why I attract such LOSERS!

Mooolah Level 8 July 18, 2018

that's how I feel too.....they've always moved into MY house. I need to raise my standards next time around.... 😉

@SkotlandSkye I moved into her house. What was I thinking? I won't do that again ?


I think people who are travelers are going to travel when the need strikes them no matter what. You can always make an all new garden at the new place and you aren't constrained by the old garden. You just hope that the new people pick up where you left off and make your old garden theirs.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 18, 2018
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