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Be safe out there my Dear Gardner's.?

Sheannutt 9 July 25
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I was stung on my head four times by wasps they are building a hive; on the net it said toothpaste was very good for it but we only had toothpaste with bits in I think it might be baking soda or something like that - so my hair got all funny sort of dried out sticky and it hurts like mad. I phoned our housing association to report the nest that they are busy building by the front door ,no one came to help us, and they are going at it like wildfire. It actually looks quite good but I seriously don't want to get stung again. I have put up a big notice saying Angry wasps leave alone but it wou;d ne nice if our housing association actually came up with a plan .

jacpod Level 8 July 26, 2018

These humid places will kill you if you're not careful.

freeofgod Level 8 July 25, 2018

Good info!


Indeed! I have projects I want to throw myself info all weekend, but this current heat is making me really have to pace myself. Water water water, and shade whenever possible.

@Sheannutt early morning is what I am doing. Done by 8:30 or so, and it is already scorching hot by then. Evening, even in shade, it has been too hot


We're a temperate 98 today (so far) ... it almost feels cool compared to the previous two weeks.

Lauren Level 8 July 25, 2018

@Sheannutt Wow! It's so draining, isn't it? We hit 110 one day last week and I don't understand why businesses and schools don't give days off for it like they do for snow.

@Sheannutt Oh, wow, may I ask where you were? And did you like it?


Currently on the verandah, re-hydrating with a nice Pinot Grigio.... I guess fence posts are designed to STAY in the ground

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