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A library with lots of gardening books is even better. I have Elliot Coleman's 4 season gardening books along with a few others in my library. What's in your gardening library?

Surfpirate 9 Aug 2
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David the Good.

Donto101 Level 7 Aug 2, 2018

regarding books I buy them secondhand in charity shops ,give more than the asking price and bring them back when I have read them it is an ongoing=n process as being 70 yrs old I do forget the plot of a book very soon after having read it so - everyone wins!

jacpod Level 8 Aug 2, 2018

I like to recycle books myself, I give them to people as a loan if I think they will benefit from the info inside. I call it a loan but I know it is never coming back to me so I often ask them to pass it along to someone else if they enjoyed and learned something from it.


yes lucky old me - however judges are coming tomorrow to judge our gardens and I hate that . I hate all judgements but garden ones are extremely insulting to me .

jacpod Level 8 Aug 2, 2018

If you have a shiny new axe handle to carry around with you as you show them the gardens it can be a powerfully menacing tool. Much more effective than the rather clumsy pick handle which looks more formidable but doesn't focus the power of a quick strike against an arrogant fool the way the axe handle does. Just watch this video and see that the pick handle is effective but those boys will be good as new come morning but if it had been an axe handle the way the video is describe then they would all be in the ER.


I've got several, but my favorite is my grandmother's old copy (1945 edition I think; at work now so I can't check) of The New Garden Encyclopedia. My favorite entry is on p 1227, where the following quote can be found:

"[The tomato] is sometimes grafted on the potato for curiosity's sake; the resulting freak plant, which may produce tubers below ground and tomatoes above, is sometimes called a 'potomato.'"

Someday I'm going to grow one of those!

cmadler Level 7 Aug 2, 2018

WOW! If you pull that mutant plant off then let us know how you did it and don't forget to provide pictures, lots and lots of pics.


I may have a few books. I used to have lots of books. When I had to move myself (as opposed to hiring packers/movers) I downsized the books. Now I go online, cheaper and maybe faster.

Online is good but it never has quite the satisfying feel of a book.


More than I care to list. But decidedly lop-sided. I counted 22 books on roses, just 3 on other ornamentals, and nothing on trees, or fruits or vegetables. hmm...

Mine is lopsided in the other direction, lots of fruit and veggies but very little on ornamentals.

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