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I guess if you like gardening this is the group to be in. My wife and I bought our home fifteen years ago and gardening ever since. The property came with a few shrubs and a flowering apple tree. We've reached our limit of garden space available for planting flowers.
We had a simple plan, every year add a new garden. While adding gardens you're adjusting old ones and planning new ones.
The first four photos are the backyard and the others are the front.

flower_nut 7 Nov 2
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Like the whimsicality and the beautiful wall!

jacpod Level 8 Nov 4, 2018

Thank you
Imagination comes to life with new inspiration every spring.


Very nice, it looks like a true labor of love.

It's a good thing I don't mind hard labour.

@flower_nut Gardening is the best type of labor.


Beautiful great job

Donto101 Level 7 Nov 3, 2018

Everyone is so kind.
It's a great haven for the heathen I am.


Very nice, really like the hardscaping!

Thank you.
I have more rock art to share.
With all the rock we have, I did go in the woods and gather moss and lichen-covered rocks to place in certain spots of the gardens.



Fernapple Level 9 Nov 3, 2018

Thank you.



Thank you.
I used to live in Saskatchewan before coming back home to Nova Scotia. Very short garden season and limited hardiness for plants. Very hot in the summer and very very cold in the winter. It's a dry cold though. Not much difference after minus 30 degrees Celsius. It will take your skin off and you won't know until it's too late and that wind chill kills me.
I always wanted to see Alberta, but never went further west than Regina.
After being in Saskatchewan I realized how much I miss the ocean.


Beautiful gardens. You have been wonderfully creative.

RussRAB Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

With enough trial and error, anything can look good.
The creative design for the back middle garden is my wife's. My idea was to have a row of grass between the garden and the driveway the width of a lawnmower.



Thank you.
I'm at home in nature, it just feels natural to me. I prefer plants over people and see with great respect how the people I'm used to aren't here.


That's a much healthier environment than before!! Great work ?

Yes, you're right!
Seven tandem loads of material later and I can't tell you how many hours of labour.


Ooh...Dahlias!! ? i miss those. Too hot for them in my sub-tropical climate. Beautiful, and inspiring pics, especially for me, who just bought my house this past spring. I am working on raised flower beds (to compensate for heavy clay) for the front yard. I have a few years of layered projects in mind for the front before even getting around to the shady back yard. Thanks for the encouraging pics.

Wow! Good for you!
It's a journey well worth the effort, especially if you love nature and have room to grow.
Our backyard started with shade and we decided to remove several trees. The center back garden is mostly full sun now. Our front gardens get the most sun.
I'll be lifting my dahlias tomorrow so I can store them. We had over twenty, now we're down to five.


Lovely and effective rock garden landscaping !

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 2, 2018

Thank you
Nova Scotia has lots of rock. It's readily available. The rounded stones and pea gravel was sourced elsewhere.


Impressive! I love the stone borders.

I like this look also. It goes with all the other rocks I couldn't move.


Amazing!!! So so so pretty

Zoohome Level 8 Nov 2, 2018

Thank you.
Nature has a way of having its way with me.

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