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I'm thinking of spring and these came up while browsing my photos.
Which one do you like best, the Tulips or the Hyacinth?
The Tulips have a Pieris in bloom as a backdrop.
The Hyacinth is planted under a Weeping Nootka False cypress and doesn't get much sun at all.

flower_nut 7 Nov 23
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The hyancinths show well in the photo. Maybe multiple tulips in a sunnier spot would look very good, too.

WarmFluffy Level 7 Nov 24, 2018

Our front yard has the most sun. The tulips are spreading slowly and you're right I should just make the patches bigger with more tulips.


I am partial to the hyacinth, although, I would have both in my garden except the tulips don't get enough cold in Texas to bloom more than 1 year. The hyacinths also seem to dwindle over time but they return for a good long time. The heat here is very hard on most garden plants.

RussRAB Level 8 Nov 23, 2018

Our tulips last and eventually spread, but need fertilizer after blooming. It's hard to remember where they're planted. I let the foliage of the tulip continue to grow and spread bonemeal over them. Tulips are a pain in the ass when it comes to cultivating the gardens. I don't do enough cultivating because of them.
I always find spring bulbs moving or splitting plants and wonder what colour they are.
I thought a warmer climate would broaden the variety of plants to thrive. What you describe makes perfect sense. I'm glad I'm here in Nova Scotia in the spring but right now it's -3 degrees Celsius with a wind chill of -10.

@flower_nut - I'd be tempted to trade places with you in the Spring, but the winter cold is a deterent especially as I've gotten older.

I agree with you. Winter can be a pain in the ass for a few reasons.
Freezing rain has frozen the car doors and I need to get to work.
Snow accumulation on the house and garage are at dangerous levels.
The power goes out before I have a chance to cook anything.


The Hyacinth! Not that I don't like the Tulips I just find them a bit more ?Uptight? - not sure if that makes sense...

Heidi68 Level 8 Nov 23, 2018

They are short, very upright and stiff at a distance. If that makes any sense? 🙂

@flower_nut I meant - I like the Hyacinth better - tulips remind me perfect gardens - I like things a bit more random

Me too! This hyacinth is lost in branches of the tree where it's planted. I held them out of the way of taking this photo.
Speaking of random. I built this with leftover stone from the front garden wall. Thought it looks like a snail or a whale.

@flower_nut nice!
I have a problem with - ooooo look, pretty flower, purchase pretty flower, get home, where should I put this one? Look there is an empty spot. Pretty flower can go here. Next day - ooooo look another pretty flower - repeat above scenario....

The unusual plants have that effect on me.
I don't do hanging baskets.
Ooooo look, pretty basket!

@flower_nut I don't do hanging plants either.... have a few plants in pots - couple of roses that I couldn't find a place in the yard & a couple of winter Jasmine.... other than that everything is just put randomly around the yard.

While building gardens some plants become bones and formalize the garden. Certain gardens look better at a distance with splashes of colour in random. When you have as many plants as our garden you start to fine tune the look around the bones in the garden.
I like random also and the path in the woods leads to a look-off where I plant at random any colour and plant that will grow. Walking through nature you come across a random bunch of plants that look out of place and surprising. I've had people stumble into my backyard from the path in the woods and they're spellbound.

@flower_nut sounds gorgeous. I have about 7 acres of natural woods that I love to stroll through - back part of my pasture. I have fox, raccoon, opossum and deer living there.

@Heidi68 - Your garden design sounds quite a bit like mine. I really like the bearded irises and when I buy them on-line, I often seem to buy more than I have space prepared for them. It's particularly bad because I have often paired down my orders due to cost - sometimes sacrificing ones I had originally put on my "must have" list.

@RussRAB I love the bearded iris

@Heidi68 Beautiful flowers. Are these some you grew?

I have some bearded Iris but I love Japanese Iris.
Ooooo pretty flower!

@RussRAB these are some I had in Oklahoma - wish I had dug some up and brought them to NC with me.
@flower_nut those are stunning!

I agree with @Heidi68 , the Japanese iris are spectacular. Are they a water iris or do they grow more like the bearded varieties?


I like them both and it doesn't help that winter arrived so early this year. Spring can't come soon enough but it seems like it could be a ways off yet.

Surfpirate Level 9 Nov 23, 2018

Spring is the most magical of all. The garden comes back to life after a long nap. The grip of winter lifts and a feeling of warmth fills the air.
I have a soft heart and biased for the underdog which is the hyacinth.
During the winter months, I'll share photos and look forward to spring for taking new ones. Thank you.

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