7 3


What do you think would be a good plant /tree for this location?

Looking at the photograph, on the far right you see a stacked stone wall then below it a road. Desired along the entire length of that stone wall (East to West) your ideas for a plant / tree that would:

Grow to a height no more than 6' to 8'

Preferably provide some type of food or medicinal use but not a have-to.

Will not disturb the foundation stone wall (desired planting is two to three feet from the stone wall)

Growing Zone is 6b and 7a


Windy in that location most of the year as the property is on a high elevation and overlooks a valley.

Looking forward to your idea and thoughts!

Count 5 Feb 1
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Are you wanting to plant in front of the wall or on top of the wall? Aromatic asters would look nice draped over the wall.

On top.



Another idea is thornless blackberries, they are a bieneial crop, that is the berries grow on last years growth. Lots of pruning to remove this years fruit bearing stems. First year plant them about 6 feet apart, the new plants will fill in between them.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 1, 2019


@Count I would check out the local nurseries, they normally have a good selection and the plants are well developed, locally acclimated and you can see what you are getting. Drip irrigation will provide good supply of water. some mail order companies are good, but I shy away from any that promise way better results than anyone else. Your root stock is a long term investment, it will be with you 20-30 years under the right conditions, so select carefully .


I'm surprised the builder got the OK to build so many homes so close together on such a slope. I foresee a lot a land shifting and slippage in the future. Encourage deep rooted trees from the developer; they should be planted along the entire wall - although a serious rainfall can cause a landslide there, IMO...

That is only one house and it sits on 54 piers. It has been there for a number of years. I investigated.

@Count Can I ask what part of the country? What's your weather and climate like there?

@Robecology North East Oklahoma. The summers are hot and muggy; the winters are short, very cold, and windy; and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 30°F to 94°F and is rarely below 16°F or above 102°F.

@Count Glad you "researched" the foundations. I'm not impressed with what you show us in the image...looks very unstable...but that's the geologist in me...sorry.


any of the semi dwarf crepe myrtles, they have a relatively tight root ball, bloom all summer, not invasive. You want to be sure to select the variety that only grows to your specified height. For 6-8 feet, get a 4-6 foot projected mature height. It will reach that by year 2, you never have to prune if you select the right shrub. if the nursery doesn't have the height you want, shop elsewhere, they are all over OK.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 1, 2019



Lots of dwarf apples and pears at your local nursery

Buttercup Level 8 Feb 1, 2019



Crepe myrtle tree would be pretty. I'm in Texas where they grow quite well, and can be pruned to keep them any size you want.



Seems like a plum might work here.

edit: They need cross pollination.

Hathacat Level 9 Feb 1, 2019


@Count Let us know what you decide!

@Hathacat Will do.

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