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Question: does anyone know what is happening to my Roses?

Zoohome 8 Feb 6
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Ladydiana Level 7 Feb 7, 2019

I was going to say lack of drainage/ too much water, perhaps, but I see some others have got there before me, but I add another vote for that.

Fernapple Level 9 Feb 7, 2019

Zoohome, how long have you grown these? Roses lose leaves easily and for various reasons. They also replace them just as easily. I agree with Alvin's mama (I'm sure Alvin's lovely, too?); roses are not that fragile generally. But they are SUPPOSED to lose their leaves this time of year. I am in Baton Rouge. In the Deep South, roses don't always lose all their leaves, due to the mild winters. But they "should" lose them. It is what the species does. Any frost nights can potentially trigger some leaf drop. That golden color looks to me like reaction to cold, NOT any fungus I am familiar with. Sure, take some leaves to a reputable nurseryman, but don't surprised if the diagnosis is "winter." ?
BTW, it is time for you to prune and pull off last year's leaves, anyway.

@Alvinsmama sweety!
Here is a current picture of a few of my roses. Pruned the start of February. By late March they will be full of glossy new leaves and promising flower buds. Right now they are virtually sticks with thorns. Lol

Thank you!!! I have had them for less than a year, and yes, they are very strong plants. I had them on a nursery pot for several months before planting them on a decent planter. They were happy and blooming for a while, then this just started.
I have never trimmed those Roses. Which are Alachua climbing rose.
I'll do some trimming this weekend.

@Alvinsmama beautiful boy!

@Zoohome I literally just weeks ago finally had a proper flowerbed to plant them in, but for decades I have grown them in large pots. It is definetely an option, but one requiring compromises such as smaller bushes, daily watering requirements, and needing repotting every 3 to 4 years, due to risk of becoming rootbound.
The rosed on the little table were some of the few worthy of cutting on Thanksgiving day.


I do see some places that look like rust and the black spots. Someone remind me what they are called.

freeofgod Level 8 Feb 6, 2019

And Blackspot.
There is also powdery mildew, and less common downy mildew, and botrytis (if I am spelling that right.)
But in the Gulf South, including Florida, Blackspot is the king of rose fungi.

As common as Rust is in the American Southwest, I have never ever seen it in Alabama or Louisiana in my 3 decades here. Not common.

@MikeInBatonRouge , black spots. LOL Common here in Ky with the high humidity too. Sometimes just spraying them with milk will take care of it.


Have you tested the soil?

I haven't done anything, I just noticed two o my Rose's getting yellow and decided to ask the group, ?
Do you want the hedgehog? ?

@Zoohome I think they've probably gotten too much water and agree with @Alvinsmama that they should be pruned.

I'll be right there to get the hedgehog. 😉


What's your location? How often do you water? Roses are temperamental. Start over...dig out the hole well. introduce a fresh, sterilzed bag of soil (or "bake" the soil in a couple of pans to "kill" molds, etc...but have a well ventilated kitchen).

Interesting ideas, I am gonna take the leaves to the local nursery first. I just don't have much time right now to go through a whole pot redo.


could be a lack of sulphur, or other acid in the soil, Roses are acid loving plants, it doesn't look like iron deficiency

glennlab Level 10 Feb 6, 2019

I dump coffee grinds quite frequently on them (you can actually see some on the base of he second picture. How do I identify sulphur deficiency?

@Zoohome I checked some pictures and sulfur, manganese,iron, and magnesium deficiency all look similar but they all have the same solution, good fertilizer.

@glennlab don't you think its fungus?

@Zoohome I normally attack all the possible problems I suspect at once, I would add a little miracle grow to the soil and spray with a fungicide. As long as you follow label directions on both, there shouldn't be any complications. Take a soil sample when you go to the nursery, a lot of them have on site analysis.


Looks like maybe to much water, or could be some type of fungus from to much water.

I can deal with too much water since we had lots of rain, but I am afraid of fungus. It doesn't look black spots tho.... should I just go ahead and "medicate" with some fungicide?

@Zoohome if you have a nursery nearby I would take some of the leaves and have them look at them so they can help you with a fungicide for roses if that is indeed what the problem is.

@Redheadedgammy perfect! I am gonna take to the nursery where I bought them from. ?

@Zoohome thats what I do when I have a plant issue that I'm not sure how to treat, and they usually have the answer. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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