9 13

Good idea. I had a dead fir in my front yard that I planted around then trained up. It would stop people wondering what king of tree that was, lol.

Hathacat 9 Mar 6
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With chromatic distillation and a black light you could harvest your own home made LSD. Just another benefit of a beautiful garden,LOL.

I don’t take drugs except ibuprofen, so don’t think I would be good at this, lol. On the other hand, I need to make money...


One of my favorite flowers. I did plant some in a hanging basket on my front porch last year. They not only grew down, but also up the hanger, into the christmas lights (which are up all year), in and around the windchimes, and basically everywhere else their little fingers could touch.

I planted them all around the dead fir and they climbed it all over. I have to buy seeds every year though. At least in IL and MO, they won't survive the winter, even the seeds. MO does have a wild, white morning glory though.


Looks beautiful but not to rain on your parade you do know it is invasive. [] I would suggest watching it closely. It's like us humans in that it wants to spread everywhere.

It hasn't been where I live.

They may be invasive, but here in Nebraska, it's really not a problem, as they die off each Winter. They do have a tendency to self-sow here, but where I'm growing them it's okay; they hide a couple of dilapidated fences and my compost pile.


Love what you did with your fir. I have some things that could use "accent" plants.


Really pretty I love the colour of the flowers

Lllewis Level 7 Mar 7, 2019

I remember as a kid Mom talking about the color as one of the most beautiful and didn’t see my first one until I was 20. Some blooms peeking over a fence, and me thinking “Now I understand what she meant!”.


Very pretty.

Carin Level 8 Mar 6, 2019

They don't survive in our upstate NY winters.

ADKSparky Level 8 Mar 6, 2019

They didn't here or in MO either, but they grow fast and are so very blue, so I don't care!


Beautiful , and low maintenance , but like the lady said , very invasive , once they've got a foot hold .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 6, 2019

O have never lived where that was a problem.


But they are so invansive.... so pretty but dangers

Zoohome Level 8 Mar 6, 2019

True, they are very invasive, but that's what clippers are for. LOL I have some planted on a trellis and when they get crazy I just chop them off at the top and then I get more flowers lower down on the trellis.

@Redheadedgammy I am not sure if the seeds travel away, but here in northern FL, I see morning glory climbing over trees on side of the roads...

@Zoohome I think if there is strong wind the seeds do travel. I have seen them climbing over trees in Florida, they will take over and kill a tree if not cut from the tree. That's why I snip snip snip them all spring and summer long here in Texas.

@Redheadedgammy unfortunately some folks don't. There is that wisteria vine growing all over too, but not the native one. ?

@Redheadedgammy and while browsing invasive plants, I just realized that one of my favorites/easy growing succulent is a new invasive here. ?

@Zoohome Wisteria is crazy. I planted two last year. One on each end of my pergola and they covered the top in one summer! I've had to cut it back and tie it down to the pergola to keep it looking good. I'm hoping this year it won't be as much work!!!

@Redheadedgammy is it the native one? I wanted to plant it, but I want to make sure it's the native plant, not the Asian. I think both are aggressive growers, but the native is a little slower and of course from here. ?

@Zoohome The tag did say native on it. It is a fast growing plant thats for sure. And I got two bloom cycles out of it last year.

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