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My sweet potato plant has a blossom. I don’t think it has any sweet potatoes, however. I didn’t know anything about growing sweet potatoe and simply planted a sprouted segment of an organic sweet potato from the market, like one would do with a regular potato. I recently read about growing sweet potatoes, and that is not how you do it. Next winter, I will try doing it the right way. How to video:

MissKathleen 9 Apr 25
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Beautiful flower!!

Carin Level 8 Apr 27, 2019

I recently read a report where sweet potatoes and Kale are replacing several other crops as regular potatoes and spinach (I already sub kale for spinach). The + side is that these crops are a lot more nutritious.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 26, 2019

@MissKathleen Okay, I'll look into this. But, I subscribe to a periodical, "Nutrition Action" [] Kale is listed as the number one green vegetable.

@MissKathleen Funny, Nutritionaction claims the same thing. A group of scientists with no ties to industry acting for the benefit of all. They have small monthly periodicals and after a couple of years seeing these around here I decided to join them. Same as yours, internet access and some requests for donations. I absolutely do not follow internet stuff and have read several books by Marian Nestle [] Also, I grow curley Kale and don't really eat it that much. I try to have lots of variety in my diet but I could always use someone who can give me more ideas and help.

@MissKathleen Okay, I read the article. Almost all of my Kale is grown in my garden or from one of the many local small, organic farms on the island. I couldn't find the listing of best vegetables (Kale was #1 with a score of 1,392. The next item was raw spinach with a score of 968). Here is one link I did find []


I watched a video a few months ago, the lady used a 5-gal bucket, made some holes on the bottom and filled about 4" with normal dirt fertilized with chicken poop. Cut the end of the sweet potato (with eyes) and place on the dirt
She said, as the plant grows place more dirt, go like that until it reaches the top of the bucket.keep it watered.
She got like 30lbs of sweet potato.
I planted that. But I did on the wrong time, my plant is slow and small. I'm still doing it and I shall see what I will harvest.

Zoohome Level 8 Apr 25, 2019

@MissKathleen have some gravel on the bottom for drainage. But I'm sure you know that 😉
Also, adorable flower


That's a pretty flower.

CeliaVL Level 7 Apr 25, 2019

When I was small , and Mom fixed sweet potatoes for for supper , for the first time , I took a bite and started to vomit . That happened every time . Just not my thing , I guess .

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 25, 2019

The key is a loose, well aerated soil. If you have any kind of digging fork push it deep in to the surrounding soil, shake it a bit, and keep doing that all around the plant every so often.

Robecology Level 9 Apr 25, 2019

@MissKathleen Please update us, then. Best of luck....if it works I'd like to copy it....I'm a volunteer for a community garden in Ft. Pierce, Fl. (Heathcote).


be ready for the runners to get out to 10 ft long or better.did you mound the soil ?

lookinhard Level 7 Apr 25, 2019
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