9 17

My "special" color irises are blooming now. They are closer to the house and bloom about 2 weeks later than the wall of white ones out in front. I do have some yellow and some purple in small clumps at the ends of the white wall. I did move a start of the yellow into the bed near the house as I want to preserve it and the white ones tend to be aggressive. The dark purple is a single tuber at this time, only one bloom stalk. The bronze( ?) ones have spread quite a bit since I put them in.

The tall grass you can see in the yellow iris picture is the reason I am digging up the entire bed. It is very invasive, it is choking the iris and it's roots actually spear right through the tubers. I won't be able to dig all of it out as there is a lilac in the corner and the grass is in there.

DotLewis 7 June 4
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I've always loved iris, can't wait for my patch of purple/gold to bloom!


They are all gorgeous! I especially love the yellow.


The last picture was not in the posting, strange but impressive.I noticed with some flowers, as Rhodies, the lighter colors bloom before the darker ones.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 4, 2019

So Nice!

Robecology Level 9 June 4, 2019

Beautiful.....nothing is as showy as bearded Iris. 🙂

Lavergne Level 8 June 4, 2019

These are beautiful! I had some similar when I lived in OK. - really wish I had dug stuff up before I moved....

Heidi68 Level 8 June 4, 2019

Beautiful. Would you be willing to use contact weedkiller on the grass or do you avoid chemicals?

CeliaVL Level 7 June 4, 2019

I have stopped using RoundUp for the most part - but the situation she describes would actually be best handled by hitting only the grass close to the Lilac with RoundUp. It will kill it without hurting her Lilac....sometimes its the only solution. 🙂


Gorgeous! Mine aren't in bloom yet. Soon though.

RavenCT Level 9 June 4, 2019

Beautiful. Do you have any of the little ones that bloom from the blade instead of spiking up a stalk?

freeofgod Level 8 June 4, 2019

No, I only have the tall bearded iris which bloom about 3' tall. I do have some intermediate bearded ones, no more than 2' tall with a smaller bloom but they still run up a stalk with the blooms on them. That whole wall of white ones started out this peach color and over the course of a few years, they all started blooming white.

@DotLewis I set up an Iris bed with all different colors and over the course of a couple of years - they all bloomed purple. ????? Anyone know why that happens?

@Lavergne , I had the same thing happen. It's the soil. Whites,pinks and blues always turned purple over a couple years time. Yellows stayed true.

@freeofgod Thanks!

@Lavergne , you can amend the soil but you would need it tested. The County Extension Agent usually does it. It probably won't reverse any but would keep any new plants from changing colors.

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