5 7

The rhubarb is really happy this spring. It is just one plant but it is well established and makes big, thick stalks. I have had rhubarb sauce a couple times already just because I needed to remove some of the leaves which were spreading out to shade my kale and garlic. Watching diet so have avoided making rhubarb crumble or bars but won't be able to hold out all season.
This is a leaf off the plant. It is the biggest one I've found and it is on a 2 seater porch glider and next to my standard sized mower. Would make awesome mold for stepping stones but I don't have time to make them currently.

DotLewis 7 June 5
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I like making rhubarb 'sauce', like applesauce, and can make it lower calorie by using splenda instead of sugar or honey. Of course, pouring it out of the saucepan and over some ice cream kinda defeats that low-cal attempt!! (that is a huge leaf!)

Rustee Level 7 June 6, 2019

I have 3 plants and 2 are not fenced so the deer often dine on the leaves. I found a garlic based spray that keep the deer away and it really works. The 3rd plant is inside the front garden at it also has huge leaves. I wondered why at first (it is under a tree and only has some sun) but then noticed something. Can you guess why (look what's hanging above the plant).

JackPedigo Level 9 June 5, 2019

I like it plain stewed with a little sugar. Then eaten with custard, cream, or yogurt. Makes nice jam too.

CeliaVL Level 7 June 5, 2019

I love rhubarb. We used to have it in our garden when I was growing up. My dad got it from his folks, who got it from their folks. I've moved too often to have a patch, but I miss it.


Whoa, yes, I would certainly agree with 'happy' and 'well established'. Those are healthy monster leaves!!

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