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My tomato season here in Florida is winding down, and I will be pulling up the plants within the next week. Over two months, I have harvested somewhere around pounds of black heirloom tomatoes from 13 bushes. I've eaten many BLT sandwiches, other sandwiches with one slice of tomato covering the entire sandwich, made salads, salsa and tomato sauce, cooked other dishes with tomatoes, sold a bunch, and have given tomatoes to all the neighbors, friends and to my doctor. My tomato season is enjoyable time for all of us, my friends, neighbors, and customers. Now on to my summer crop -- white acre peas.

wordywalt 9 June 13
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Your season is ending and ours is just beginning here in western Oregon. Found my first 1" diameter tomatoes yesterday. Some years, we don't pick our heritage varieties until mid-September or early October.


My season is just coming into production, had my first one last night when I got home. Need to move them under the trees now that summer has started to extend the growing season.

glennlab Level 10 June 13, 2019

We used to stalk the neighbors with drive by dropping off of paper bags filled with produce during the Summer growing season.
As the youngest I was often elected to be the sneak.

It was fun.

I need a neighbor who does that now! lol

RavenCT Level 9 June 13, 2019

Which black heirlooms did you grow? My fav!

Hathacat Level 9 June 13, 2019

It has been almost a decade ago when I first received the seeds. All I remember is black heirloom.


I love tomatoes!

Do you grow your own? If so, have you ever grown black heirloom tomatoes? They are the best I have ever eaten and all I grow anymore. If you would like to grow some, I will send you some seeds for you to grow your own plants. Just send me a private message giving me your name and mailing address.

@wordywalt I do grow my own at my home now in ferndale... Unfortunately, I'm living in an apartment in NYC right now and don't have regular access to my tomatoes... I haven't heard of black heirloom tomatoes... I'll look into it when and if I move back to ferndale...


WE still have quite a wait up here. Congrats on your crop.

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