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Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Mulberry Wing Skipper
Monarch egg on Common Milkweed
Red Spotted Purple, top view
Red Spotted Purple, side view
Painted Lady on Echinops, Globe Thistle

Leafhead 8 July 31
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Fascinating. The Hummingbird Clearwing Moth is one I've never seen.

Thank you, Mr. Spock 😉


All this in Wisconsin! Who knew! (Though I suspect mostly in your yard!)

Hathacat Level 9 July 31, 2019

You'd be surprised at how much green space we have here in WI.
Thankfully, we got rid of Walker and the new Gov. Tony Evers is a lot more eco-minded.
There are plenty of trails and restored prairies.
We no longer have to fear developing of our state parks under Walker.
Plus, businesses and people are green here too.
All along Science Drive and Research Pk Rd are restored green spaces.
Plenty for me to "tap into", and for my butterflies that I release.

@Leafhead I will put WI on my bucket list to visit!

Just STFA in January and February, whatever you do :-/


Does the Hummingbird Clear Wing hover in front of flowers just like a hummingbird ?

Fernapple Level 9 July 31, 2019

I have even had arguments with people swearing they are seeing baby hummers!

@Leafhead Thanks, yes I did wonder since the Hummingbird Hawk Moth that we get in the UK does that, though sadly it is never likely to be taken for the bird since we do not have those.

Mu summer gardens wouldn't be complete without my yearly Hummingbird visits

@Leafhead Soon as I retire, flying over the pond is on my bucket list.

You will be welcome in my neck of the 'burbs


I love the last one. The flower poking out, makes it seem like it has a bushy purple tail.

Heidi68 Level 8 July 31, 2019

In lieu of having ugly Carduus thistles, this handsome alternative works just as well as a host for Painted Ladies. They also dig the nectar.
Centaur and Stoksia work too.
I also have Hollyhocks, but those invariably look BAD every year, mostly from saw fly larvae skeletonizing the leaves.
This year, those buggers were late, so I also had some Painted Ladies on my Hollyhocks.
Paint ELFs seem to like leaves with silver or finely fuzzy backing


I so look forward to your pictures. They always put a smile on my face. 😍

Thank you. Summer's not over yet, either 😉

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