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Does anyone recognize this plant? I touched it and it felt like an electric shock. My fingers are tingling. The other plant in the pot is dead. The live one is some kind of volunteer weed.I live in Nova Scotia.

Wangobango3 8 Aug 2
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I see an oxalis weed but I don't recognize the big plant--not nettle, is it?

Carin Level 8 Aug 19, 2019

No idea. Sounds like an important one to know!
(I always write before I read other responses.)

Well, I know what nettles are. We grow some nice ones here.

I like this part of the article the best: if you have rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, stiff joints or other conditions that would benefit from invigorating the blood, consider urtication. Urtication is achieved by lightly flogging or brushing the stems of nettles against the skin, applied as a counter-irritant.

Pain to hide pain!


It's not only used as a food source, but said to have "medicinal" value as well...and look at those stingers close!


Tender-handed, stroke a nettle,
And it stings you for your pains.
Grasp it like a man of mettle,
And it soft as silk remains.

Flora of China.

I knew they were prickly , but ever thought they were an edible herb . Wonder if they use special methodes to keep froml sticking to your insides ?

@Cast1es According to the article there's certain things you have do to make it "edible"

Great source of iron and other minerals, with antihistamine properties.


Never heard of such a thing. I would look for a outside source too.

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 2, 2019

Looks like stinging nettle...a common weed...edible, in fact...very popular in North America


@Allamanda Yes, indeed...excellent pain relief for arthritis and joint pain...a cup of nettle tea and honey is wonderful in the deep of winter...just have to prepare without getting stung!

@Allamanda yep...I wear my wallies and my bright pink gloves

@thinktwice You might find humor in my response.

@AstralSmoke indeed! 😉

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