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Last push of the season, snipped after 2 frosty mornings. The bloom looks a bit ragged, but the deep lemony fragrance of my little Intrigue rose is well worth enjoying as long as possible!

tinkercreek 8 Nov 23
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Ah, the last breaths of beauty.


only a few things in life are as yummy as the scent of a rose

lookinhard Level 7 Nov 23, 2019

I've learned to appreciate scent over bloom color, most of the time.

@tinkercreek in Michigan,I found a deep red with black tints that was both bee you tee full AND smelled like heaven.I believe it was called .." Don Juan Red "...I think.your picture looked like a beauty and color packed.Very cool


Very nice! Amazing color.

jdubbs1066 Level 4 Nov 23, 2019

In my Seattle house I had a commercial building on the north side of the property. It was a 12 -15' cinder block wall and faced south. Between the house and next to the wall was a fragrant yellow rose. There were years when this rose bloomed all year long. Heat from the wall and protection from the buildings gave it a great location. You can see the rose behind the sunflowers. Also, a former partner.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 23, 2019

Oh, a very happy little environ for a rose in the PNW!

@tinkercreek Actually, the biggest problem here is the black spot on the leaves. There are roses that are immune. Funny, when we renovated the house I moved a lot of roses. Two, moved to a corner between some trees became climbers. They don't have the black spot problem as there are no leaves close to the ground.

I've always stuck with organics, soap & neem oil, but still always have blackspot. Next season I'll get systemic treatment, have heard there are now no-harm offerings.

@tinkercreek Have tried some with limited results. Problem is the fungus is on the dirt/mulch at the base of the rose. rain splashes it up to the lower leaves and it spreads from there. Having a drip irrigation helps.


I used to keep up with the Portland weather, and was surprised that a good rule pf thumb was 10 degrees warmer than here in the winter and 10 degrees cooler in the summer. We've already had killing freezes here, I drug all my tender plants into the hot tub area and they made it. A couple I was going to dig and pot are still in the yard, so I'll have to wait until they are totally dormant before I dig them.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 23, 2019


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