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My first dewberries from my yard! More are ripening. And all I had to do was intentionally NOT mow down the vines last summer.

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Mar 28
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Be on the lookout for another crop that comes out in May, sometimes they are interlaced with the dewberries.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 28, 2020

Thnx. I am saving in the freezer whatever I get, to accumulate over time. I have also planted southern tolerant raspberries and boysenberries in the front yard, but those will take a couple more years to produce, maybe four for the boysenberries. My favorite berries in the world are boysenberries. They were a highlight of my grandfather's spectacular garden back in Eugene, OR.

@MikeInBatonRouge They will come up from the seeds that drop from the overripe fruit, so once you have an established bed, the dewberries will be around for years. i have not tried to raise boysenberries, so best of luck.


Nice; My freezer's full of 'em...when they go on sale I stock up. The dark blue pigment is one of nature's best anti-oxidants (anti-aging chemicals)


Robecology Level 9 Mar 28, 2020

The look just like blackberries. Do the taste much different?

RussRAB Level 8 Mar 28, 2020

They are much sweeterand softer.

Pretty similar. Maybe a smidge less juicy, but that and sweetness depend partly on soil pH and amount of sun.


Look like black berries Watch out for chiggers .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 28, 2020

Last weekend was round #1 of hacking back the blackberries along my back yard border, but I love having berries every August!


I love their sweet taste and used to love picking them in the field behind my house in Houston. There were several acres covered with the bushes, but we normally stopped after a gallon or two.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 28, 2020

Memories! I grew up in an entirely different region, the Pacific Northwest, but we had July blackberry picking every summer of my childhood. Never had to grow them. They were just all over vacant lots and public spaces.

@MikeInBatonRouge I lived up there for 5 years and we used to visit at least every summer (she's from the Portland area) so I did a lot of blackberry picking too. That is long sleeve, long pants work.


Now you just have to sty ahead of the birds!

Yep! It is an experiment to be sure. I am rather amazed how early dewberries ripen. Maybe it confuses the birds, lol. They are cousins to blackberries but don't fruit in clusters, and they trail on the ground rather than arching upward. They also produce a good two months or so earlier than blackberries

@MikeInBatonRouge If you can get them near a fence, they will climb and be a little easier to pick.

@glennlab some are near chain link fencing. In addition, I strung up fence wire with pasture stakes in three rows, about 100 ft in all. Of course, the vines spring up where they feel like it, not necessarily where I plan for them, lol.

@MikeInBatonRouge Use the mower to coral them into a simalence of a bed. give about 3 feet on each side of the fence. Fertilize after they finish producing to give you new growth for next year. Even if the rootstock is several feet from where you want it, it will run along the ground to where you are not mowing to sprout up. Dewberries will almost always find a way to thrive..

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