7 10

This is a great house plant to have.

Sheannutt 9 May 30
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I love snake plants, also called Mother in Law's Tongue. I used to have more, but then I got kittens... So now I have four that the girls haven't killed. Two are shut away from them most of the time. OMG, and now that I think of it they probably need watering.


Yes, it is a CAM plant, they are capable of fixing CO2 at nigh resulting in the release of oxygen. CAM stands for Crassulacean acid metabolism. Succulent plants adapted to arid conditions use this cycle to minmize water loss during the day.


Sadanty Level 5 May 30, 2018

Mother-in-laws' tongue

@Sheannutt It's more fitting and easier to remember. I like to write my comment and then I read all the other ones. It can make my comment pretty redundant, but it is spontaneous.


Love this plant!

Donna_I Level 8 May 30, 2018

Yes. It cleans the air. You need a lot of them in a room though.


We call that Mother-in-law's tongue. A very easy plant to grow, even for people with black thinbs.

Spinliesel Level 9 May 30, 2018

Sanseveria laurenti. Also called "mother-in-laws-tongue". Not too sexist. Impossible to kill other than over wateriing. I started with one leaf rescued from somewhere. Now I have 10 one gallon pots of them.

Mooolah Level 8 May 30, 2018

@Sheannutt What is preventing you from doing so?

@Sheannutt Sacrifice one stalk from the plant you have. Pay attention to which end is up. Cut it into pieces about 3 inches long. Place each piece into its own pot of appropriate soil with the appropriate end up and moisten. And then wait and moisten from time to time. It might take several months, but you will get babies. From the same stalk I had some that took much longer than others to sprout. But they all sprouted.

@Sheannutt Bummer! come by my house, I will sacrifice a stalk or two. And keep checking nurseries, or florists. I see them in the grocery store from time to time, usually large ones but you can split those up into separate pots and make more babies.

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