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LINK How a proposed conversion therapy ban and LGBTQ2 issues are mobilizing Canada's Christian right

Canada eh! I do not generally support conversion therapy but perhaps the conversion ban goes too far if someone (an adult) seeks religious “help”? Thoughts?

Science-guy 8 July 22
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Science-guy raises, I believe, a valid question, that of what constitutes legal over-reach by progressive forces. Such over-reach might galvanize the religious right fuckers (I am proudly biased, here).

However, these assholes must be countered. I think the way to approach the issue, is not to legally sanction these bigots' freedom of association and freedom of belief regarding their bogus so-called therapy. What needs to happen is progressive legal clarification that "reparative therapy" is false advertising of the worst kind, that actually causes psychological harm as it is misrepresented as being affirming of the individual. And, of course, it is a professional lie to call it therapy, as professional licensure boards across people-helping professions agree. To actually hang out a proverbial shingle and advertise to paying customers what amounts to a research-known false promise amounts to FRAUD, plain and simple. THAT is what I hope Canadian lawmakers spell out with any legislation they might construct.


Being gay is not a illness and shouldn't be cured. The conversion therapy should be banned. How christains treat the community is one biggest reasons I left the dark side and started my journey of enlightenment. I'm bi sexual and proud of it. These days I favor men more than women and I decide to get off fence. I don't need therapy for that. Most likely I will spend the rest of my life with a man.If my christain friends and family have problem with that I don't care. I will live my life as I see fit. The last few day I have wondered why I still consider myself bi. I might be better off getting off the fence. Any body wants to chime in on this comment feel free to.

freedom41 Level 9 July 22, 2019

Conversion therapy is absolutely wrong in my mind if it is forced upon a person.

My premise was, if an adult willingly seeks out conversion through religious counselling, should that then be an illegal act on the provider of the council or even the seeker?

@Science-guy I might have gone more on a rant, than commenting on your post. I hope that is ok.

@freedom41 I have no issue with your reply. I am more than good with your words and more so your choices. 😎

@Science-guy Do you think I should get off the fence and see where it leads me.

@freedom41 I am definitely not even remotely qualified to give you personal advice in your situation. I have always said though that people need to do what is best for them. If people truly love you, then they should be supportive of your choices regardless of their personal opinion.

I can kinda relate to the self-labeling question. For years I identified as bi though married to a woman and monogamous. 25 years married. I am actually more attracted to men and am now living as such, single but with a boyfriend(almost rather casual sex partners, though monogamous). I have taken to calling myself "a 70/30 gay," not fully to one extreme end of the spectrum. I am definitely NOT a "GoldStar gay," to borrow a Wiil & Grace reference, lol.
We should remember that, although overlapping issues, sexual orientation, sexual behavior, and sexual identity are three separate concepts. They are not always perfectly aligned, to say the least. I think the research strongly suggests more people identify as somewhat bi than identify as purely gay or lesbian, as far as orientation. But "bi" is a tricky label, isn't it? People seem to assume it means promiscuity or at least an intention of having multiple partners. What to do. ???


Right wing Christian controlling Bullshit

bobwjr Level 10 July 22, 2019

What is the status of separation of Church and State in Canada?
I'm a bit worried.

At least here in the US it's "supposed to be" separate. But we have to fight for it.

Conversion therapy has always been harmful.

There's a reason I'd never advise someone see a therapist who didn't have a college degree. That would be the Ethics Class. That Ethics Class sure is helpful in not pushing people where YOU want to see them go - but rather in the best direction for THEM.

Wanders off grumbling about clergy.....

RavenCT Level 9 July 22, 2019

Even if an adult seeks help, it doesn’t mean conversion therapy will help. I don’t think it is designed to help, but to make you believe that thoughts and actions are wrong based on someone’s interpretation of the Bible or other religious book.

CS60 Level 7 July 22, 2019

As I understand it, conversion therapy has been shown to be ineffective and harmful to the patient's mental health.

bingst Level 8 July 22, 2019


I absolutely agree. My question really was should there be legal penalties to council someone away from LGBT+, or a person to seek council? Is the proposed law overly broad?

I just have to wonder if the legislation would survive a constitutional challenge.

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