13 8

Question: do you ever get sick of the straight and/or cisgender people on this site? I do. I've blocked so damn many people on here because I just don't have the energy to even think about their ignorant statements and posts. And what really makes me sad is when there are some on here who I previously respected who then proceed to say transphobic crap or truly dumb statements about communities they have little to no contact with. I don't feel like "educating them" or engaging with them or finding common ground, I just wish they would vanish (magical thinking?).

It often makes me re-evaluate whether I want to stay on here or not. Where are all you other queer/trans peeps with this?

PalacinkyPDX 8 Dec 9
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I think the only way to further education of our cis/straight peers is to meet them on the field of where they are making erroneous statements.
I get weary of trying to educate people as well at times and I have to take breaks.
I don't mind engaging someone if it's going to be a fruitful conversation but if they're not going to listen to me and it's clear they're not going to listen to me, I don't want to waste my breath.
46 year old trans woman here . How else are we going to give them the education they REALLY need without engaging them?
As exhausting as it is, whether we like it or not we are ambassadors.

Julia_Rose Level 3 Jan 14, 2019

Screw those people. They are dying out. Block 'em & be done with 'em. This site is too original to permit them the power to drive you away. Stay strong & eliminate the bigots from your page.

Mooolah Level 8 Dec 21, 2018

So... maybe a weird perspective. I feel pretty ignorant on trans issues. To remedy that, I've been reading anything I can find from trans activists or from the trans perspective but its honestly just left me with more questions than answers. Rather than asking the trans people around me to educate me (since that's really not their job) I've just decided to remain ignorant. I'm not sure that's a great thing but I also feel like I don't have to "understand" someone to respect them and treat them the way they want to be treated. I guess I'm saying that some of us ignorant folk don't mean to be.. WIth that being said, if someone were to ask me to use they/them pronouns, I sure as hell would, even though I don't get it.

klang72 Level 5 Dec 14, 2018

Although it may not seem like it's our job to educate people who else is going to do it? I don't mind. If somebody really wants to know about the community and wants to ask me questions I'll answer them because it'll help the next person that they encounter the trans community.


There are so many people out there who truly just hate themselves. So what they do is to project this hatred onto others, groups, races, etc. They have no idea what they don't know !!!


I am so sorry to hear of your experiences. I've been lucky, it would seem, as I've not as yet been on the receiving end. I can't really add to what's been commented here - just to underline - I hope you do not leave even though it would be understandable. I feel sure (maybe you don't feel the same way of course) that there is a LOT more positive reaction/response than negative.

If you really feel the need to leave I hope you will try to contact someone here that you feel you can trust and discuss it with them. In the meantime I wish everyone and you in particular a happy holiday season.

Sandster Level 7 Dec 9, 2018

I hear ya. If it isn’t their “part” of the LGBT community, they disrespect and make little or no effort to learn. I wasn’t expecting that kind of behavior here. I wasn’t expecting it to be all rosy, either.

CS60 Level 7 Dec 9, 2018

I think it is probably more accurate to say ignorant and or small minded. Seems like there are plenty of LGBT people out there making similar comments about trans or basically any group they do not personally match with. I find it so hard to understand gay men being disrespectful of lesbians, or bi men; or bears being disrespectful of twinks, or effeminate men; or lesbians disrespectful of bi women, or gay men. Seems like minorities who have directly seen discrimination would get it easier than that, and see how they are doing the same thing as WASPS often do. I mean, we all have some prejudice. I think the most important thing is to try to recognize it and work on ourselves to become better people. I have several transgender friends, but I would be lying if I said I became understanding of the issue overnight, and I am very accepting and liberal. I also took issue with bi men for a long time, as there is a narrative in the gay community that they are just really gay men testing the waters by saying they are bi. A lot of it is upbringing. Sometimes we get initially caught in false narratives due to ignorance or because we see a lot of it. Sadly it is also pretty common to just want a group you can feel like you are better than, to have someone to look down on, and feel superior to. It is an all to human failing. So yeah, I do get tired of all sorts of comments made by people who have latched onto, what now, seems like a false narrative to me. But at the end of the day there are a lot of amazing people on here too, so I try to stay positive and keep that in mind. Not that I always succeed. I also don't really know you personally, but I do hope you stay around. I get some of the best discussions on here, and love all the interesting people. Not perfect, but pretty good.

Silos. A large issue is humankind’s proclivity to place everything into neat little piles for ease of handling. I have this problem too, except I have 2 piles. People who accept others with equality and the people who are intolerant of our differences.

@MrLizard I've experience both bi guys are gay and bi guys are straight. I don't even identify as bi. I think it's a stupid box. I'm open to everyone depending on the circumstances. Bias exists everywhere.


I like all people based on personalities... Not sexual preferences...


Ah if only it was just this site for me personally it's everywhere....the endless double takes in the supermarket, the checkout assistant who doesn't say a single word me, the teenage boys who have followed me down the street shouting insults at me, the alternative media (OK conspiracy nuts) who came out with loads of truly insightful things but think because you are trans you are part of a plan for the new world order and illuminati spawn......but that's ok they also state they know gay and lesbian people who think trans are freaks too.
The good thing is that you can block people and as far as educating, you tend to find that with people who generally really want to understand, whilst it can be tiring it's kind of easy but there is a certain category of person who there is no point interacting with and it is their problem because their mind box is so small so just leave them to their world of puss filled hate and be proud you are not that person.

Something I wrote a while back,

Things I have discovered by "coming out" as Transgender about transphobia and transhatred:
The privilege of harassment, weird stares, verbal abuse and degradation works as follows.....

It's trans racial, white or black, Chinese or Indian, pick your ethnicity, be an "average person", be a white supremacist or champion of ethnic minorities, you clearly have the right to this privilege.

It's pan global, yes that's right, just pick your chosen country,, say "I am from (place country name here) and I have the right to this privilege".

It's trans cultural, fully compatible with any religion and fully independent of and compatible with all social class, that's right folks, you all have the god given (or lack there of) and societal norm based automatic right to it, be you the lowliest surf or pure minted royalty, you too have this marvelous privilege at your disposal.

It is transcendent of world outlook and political view, from any political persuasion, yes it's yours, stuck on mainstream media, fair play you have the right, alternative "truth" seeker? conspiracy nut? yes it's all cool just hook me into agenda 21 as you see fit and shove in some crap about the Illuminati for extra measure because you have the privilege!

Hell you know what it's even TRANSGENDER!!!! It's cool cis folks, you can be straight or gay or bi, male or female and the privilege is YOURS!!!

But apparently I don't have the privilege of feeling safe as I go down the street, I don't have the right to live my life peacefully in a way that, let's face it, harms no one, I don't have the right to wear a dress, or makeup, I don't have the right to not be called sir or he when it is painfully obvious that is what I am not, it would seem it is not acceptable to just want to exist as who and what I am and be left the f**k alone.

@PalacinkyPDX I don't really need the honour (we English just love our U's after our O's it is no disrespect on other spellings for I am no grammar nazi) and my experience is that no good deed goes unpunished, so I will settle to be left alone to be what I am and being respected by those who can see what I have in my heart but I do get what you are saying, but that's swinging too far off topic maybe, one thing that does come to my mind is another thing I have said for a long time now "you can learn something from everyone, even if that's how not to act", not being hurt by them is not necessarily a good thing, it's how you choose to respond and grow from the hate (which is of course in no way easy) that defines you, it is easy to hate the unknown or hate others because you have been hated, but some of us say "that's really horrible and I must do my best never to be like that" and that is why we grow and they don't, maybe at some point in their life they will change because that's what life is about, we are never the same person even from second to second it's just that some choose to walk a brighter path than others.


Well, at the risk of sounding corny, I would be sad if you left the site. PalacinkyPDX, honestly you are perhaps my very favorite commenter on here. It is rare that I don't notice some difference in my opinion from that of others if I pay attention to theirs for long. But I try to remind myself I have no patent, nor guarantee, on "Truth," with a capital T. Still, I can't recall even one comment of yours that has struck me wrong. So cheers, I suppose.

I did get quite frustrated with ignorance from commenters on Facebook, despite trying to be careful about my friends list. That is one of the reasons I was happy to find this site. Then I realized there were some pretty conservative people here. I avoid the politically conservative tagged groups like the plague, and that shields me from most of the aggravation. When I browse the general posts, I still occasionally see some eye-opening comments that strike me as ignorant and even callous, and sometimes I engage with them, sometimes bluntly. I know I have pissed off a few, who must think me awfully self-righteous, but Fuck-em! Maybe the fact I grew up steeped in Pentacostal community group-think wrong-headedness has given me somewhat more practice stomaching the bullshit without feeling like I am indulging it or capitulating. I remember I believe I was reasonably intelligent even before I escaped fundamentalism or fully came out as gay. That awareness helps me remember the humanity of the people I disagree with.

I do think you have a lot more to put up with as a trans person. I am a relatively run of the mill (by this point) gay guy; white to boot. There is still so much broadspread cis ignorance about trans issues, even from well-meaning people. (Well how about that? Even my spell check on my phone can't handle the abbreviation "cis." ) I realize I have learned a lot, myself, just in the past 5 years or so. It helps that I met my first openly trans person back before I was out of high school, but I am learning more since the spouse of one of my siblings has started transitioningin the past 2 years.
As tiring as it can get, respectfully engaging others in discussion to add understanding is the best thing I know of for the nurturance of enlightenment, slow and incrimental as it may be. And yours are some of the most informative comments on here, so thank you! And please don't leave. Maybe consider taking just a brief break now and then. ?


Well, you haven't blocked me yet so I must be doing something right. =P

IAMGROOT Level 7 Dec 9, 2018

@PalacinkyPDX See? Still in it. LOL!


Well I hope you don’t place every straight person in the same discard pile. There are some of us a lot more accepting than the others you have crossed paths with. I for one do like to be educated, which is why I enjoy this Agnostic community, so please don’t close the willing out. Thank you! ?


Not really. I've not seen much anti-LGBTQ here save from that little clique of hyperconservative assholes. But I'm not in all the groups here, either.

However, I see no point in joining the singles group because it looks depressingly hetero.

Well, I’m bi and met a bi guy there who I’m now dating, so it’s not all straight people in the singles chat. There is at least one gay man who posts occasionally. And statistically, there have to be more than 3 of us out of over 1000 singles group members

There are quite a few trans people in single mingle. .. And I like all of them ? as well as gay, bi, and straight..

@PalacinkyPDX I understand that... Have you also noticed negative comments about women as well... I have... I speak up when I see them... Other issues also... They won't run me out of town...

@PalacinkyPDX I've had all the reactions you've mentioned here. Some apologies in public, some in private... But what I find most effective is reading their profile before responding, and check level of education... Try that... Don't respond to high schoolers lol and appeal to ones higher education ... It shames them ? if they get really nasty, tag me, I'll see if I can help... Especially in groups I mod...

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