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I don't know if this is the place to put this here or what. A little confusion, venting or whatever you want to call it. I am now recently single and after seven years of being in a relationship. We split not because of religious beliefs or lack thereof. Found out today that she is now a Christian even though she was an atheist the seven years that we were together. It's just really confusing and I don't understand why. but I guess I shouldn't really concern myself since she is now officially an ex.

Have a great day everyone ❤️

MoniB 6 Jan 12
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Such things are not that uncommon. I have known a number of atheists who "found" Jesus, lesbians or gay men who suddenly discovered the opposite sex, Democrats that magically turned into Republicans or vice versa. I agree with Zedsdead that these are generally people who have never really made the effort to know themselves, which makes it almost impossible for anyone else to really know them, or maintain a lasting relationship with them. It has happened to me more than once, but somehow I always survived, even if I thought I might not. And I'm glad you did dodge the bullet, and yes, such things never seem to happen as soon as they should. Best of luck to you.

Thank you


I find myself wondering which of you ended it. If it was her idea, I suspect religious difference might actually have been the reason, even though she never brought it up to you at the time.

My experience does not quite compare, as I dated a devout Catholic for just a few months, both of us knowing full well that our religious outlooks were quite different. But he pursued me eagerly, and I was inexperienced and eager to have my first gay experience.....and I am not into anonamous sexual encounters. So I figured as long as we could talk honestly about our differences, I could respect him. Well, turns out he wanted to talk less and less about our respective socio-political and religious views. He more or less admitted that my observations/statements were highlighting his own cognitive dissonance, and he was uncomfortable with that. He preferred for us to just revel in our roles as lovebirds and never talk about our true beliefs or values. In the end, it was political differences that led me to pull the plug. He actually ended up supporting Donald Trump, because his desire for low property taxes "trumped" all considerations about lgbt rights, civil rights, environment, healthcare, and any other issues. That was too much for me.
Well live and learn. In hindsight, I don't regret the time. It still was a chapter of learning about myself. Your time was certainly much longer, but hopefully you can similarly find some good in your time together and still look forward to your new future. Wishing you the best!

She told me it was over two days before Christmas. January 5th she came over so we can have "the talk." It basically ended up as she just wanted her own place and focus on herself. During the seven years all religious and political views we seem to have that in common. We had "the talk" at a pizza place just joking and laughing, it was a weird break up conversation. Haha
Thank you for your response.


It was the bad sex bro. I've turned many chicks into nuns but on the plus side some are lesbian now so as a bisexual I'm helping my fellow lgbtqrstuvwxyz community get some so your welcome ladies ?


Makes you wonder if her cheese done slid off her cracker?

Hang in there.

RavenCT Level 9 Jan 12, 2019

Haha, I really like that quote. Thank you very much.

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