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Trump supporters

MichelleGar1 9 Apr 25
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Single line everyone!


I think it is hilarious that people think he was serious. TDS has spread faster than the Chinese Virus. If John Colbert had said this they would be laughing their ass off.

Boxdoc Level 7 Apr 25, 2020

what is your "dear leader" cult name ?

@Leetx I have no Cult Leader. I poke fun at idiots in both parties. It is Hypocrisy that I find impossible to tolerate. Plenty of that to go around.

Which White House spin are you swallowing? The "He was taken out of context by the lamestream media", even though it's an uninterrupted live video? The "It was a joke", even though the video clearly shows no attempt at humor? Or maybe his "It was a sarcastic question to a reporter", even though he is clearly addressing his stunned medical advisors, and lacks the intellect for anything as subtle as effective sarcasm?
No need to drink Lysol when there is a gallon of tRump Kool-ade in the fridge.

@Ludo Can't believe people believe his bullshit!


Drink up MAGGOTS .

GEGR Level 7 Apr 25, 2020

I'm so glad I have a brain!

Yes, and a sense of humor


a few less MAGAits/Fox News watcher? sounds like a win win to me



@Lizard_of_Ahaz Perfect!

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