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A little sobering thought for a Sunday

glennlab 10 July 12
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Paraphrasing @BD66 below, the majority of Americans who suffer a lower standard of living can beat the capitalists by becoming capitalists themselves.

They can beat the possibly sociopathic Wall Street capitalists with employee ownership — NOT syndicalism, or union ownership — probably via Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP). A search will get you more info.

yvilletom Level 8 July 13, 2020

That's 100% true, and if they didn't make that decision, a competitor would have made the same decision and run the corporation out of business.

BD66 Level 8 July 12, 2020

We have an open global market. The poorer, lower paid countries will become more wealthy and the wealthier countries are bound to slip. It becomes a more even economy, globally.

@EyesThatSmile The people with capital will become wealthier, and the people with the cheapest labor will become wealthier. You get a few people like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates worth 12 figures, but the majority of Americans suffer a lower standard of living that they would have if the Cold War was still going on. It's 100% predictable after the end of the Cold War. That begs the question "Why did we spend trillions on the Cold War, and not continue to let ~80% of the earth's population continue to be mired in some form of Socialism or Communism?"

@BD66 I would agree with you, that America would be better off. Trust me, I am not one of the rich and have probably been directly affected by overseas jobs. As humans (and Americans) we are greedy and want to hold on to what we have. However, I also want to see some of the poorest nations improve their situations internally (not just from charity). For the sake of all humanity.


True; and it's now being a union-busting move. Overseas labor is cheaper, and the poor folks there work harder, faster, and the folks who have relied on unions to find easy, high paying jobs are suffering.

The way out of this?

!. Population (self) control and family planning.
We have to recognize that "growth" is no longer a goal, nor wise. The new key word is "sustainability"

  1. Recognition.

The official policy is to hate, despise, and resent foreign labor. That has to change.

Trump used to be a big "get 'er done overseas" fan....all his products had...and many still do have...foreign-made labels.


Robecology Level 9 July 12, 2020

Here's a video of Dave Letterman calling out DJT for his "made in China" ties..


absolute truth and the average Joe and Jane bought in to it for cheap goods at Walmart (et al)


Also see: Mexico stole your job if not Mexicans are stealing your job.

In the meantime in third world countries it is "America is stealing our brains."

Not any longer:


@BD66 Some overseas high tech workers enter into the US illegally. Nobody talks about building a wall on the Canadian border.

Any who, thanks for the update on high tech visas.

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