5 4

Actually, many people are much safer, now that they commute from their bedroom to their kitchen.

BDair 8 Dec 4
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BDair Level 8 Dec 7, 2020

Here's my latest mask memes;


So far we have more than 186,000 admitted dead from this virus and the curve is increasing so fast now that it will soon go vertical. We are already past the point of no return and in 10 to 12 days by my estimate more than 1/10 of 1% of this country's population will be dead from COVID and COVID related health problems. Doesn't sound like a lot does it?.... one person out of every thousand may not sound like a lot but it also means that with the number who are admitted to be infected being under 3% now and 5% by the first of the year that number of dead can easily top 2% of the population before a vaccine can be distributed. For the uninformed that will mean one in every 50 people dead. 320,000,000 was our population before the pandemic started so that will be 6,400,000 dead before a vaccine is available. How many members of your family will be in that number?....

I've seen the math. It is a virtual certainty that 30 trillion people will die from the evil COVID 19 before it is contained. I have my ticket to Mars booked on Elon's first flight.



That's not the point at all. It's not about being afraid to get it. It's about not spreading it to people who aren't strong enough to fight it.

Kynlei Level 8 Dec 4, 2020

And in that car, you wear a seatbelt and have airbags, so mask up. If there was a fine for not wearing your mask like there is for not wearing your seatbelt, I bet we'd see a change.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 4, 2020

Wearing a mask in your car is like wearing your seatbelt while parked in your driveway.

@BDair that is not what I meant and I'm pretty sure you know it.

Wearing a mask for most activities outdoors, is like wearing your seatbelt in your driveway. CV19 doesn't go leaping from passers by and infect everyone in all directions within 6'. Transmission occurs indoors with prolonged exposure, according to the CDC.

@BDair . If you are in a situation such as a supermarket and other people are not wearing a mask, the simple act of standing in line will infect you if they are carrying the virus. When a person is passing by outdoors while they are coughing or sneezing the spray goes out more than six feet. If you are wearing a mask it will intercept most of the projected mist. Just be sure to wash up when you get home. Making statements to the contrary is also detrimental because you might influence someone who cannot figure out the problem.

Masks are required to enter businesses. That is reasonable. Someone sneezing in your direction outdoors is very unlikely to subject you to enough of a viral load to infect you.

@BDair Most of all the mask mandates I have seen to date in the US only require masks when indoors. In much of Asia masks are required anytime you are in public, the number soeak for themselves our over a quater a million dead to Taiwan's 7 dead

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