There was one at La Ronde roller coaster park in Montreal.
What is this ?? Never seen anything like this , what is it Michelle ??
@Pralina1 They have these rides at amusement parks. It spins in a circle, it starts slow then goes faster and faster and lifts up. The gravity holds you down but you can move up or down like the picture. I loved that stupid ride when I was a teenager, I tried this ride a few year's ago and I almost threw up. Lol
@MichelleGar1 As my siblings & I tell each other now, especially when about to do something we probably shouldn' sure to check your Driver's License! (the DOB!)
@phxbillcee I think the beer I drank before getting on this ride might had something to do with it and I don't want to admit I'm that old! Lol
@phxbillcee , and Michelle , I am dead inside
@phxbillcee, @MichelleGar1 , actually is a “ no fucking way “!!! Yes , today’s parents will had crusified yours
@Pralina1 Our parents would just give us money and drop us off, they had no idea most of the time! Lol!!!
The wall & floor start to spin gradually going faster & faster. Then the floor drops away from you & thru centrifugal force you are stuck to the side of the wall. I never thought to crawl up the side. To busy focusing on the people screaming on the other side.
@MichelleGar1 I ll just die . I ll be the village s psycho who walks around and hits parents . Seriously . I just can’t !
I am so glad I wasn’t in USA at these times !
@Pralina1 We survived and had fun! LOL!!!! Back then they would let us play outside all day and had no idea what we would come up with for entertainment, which could of killed us! Lol
Yeah, but we made it thru! Well, most of us!
@phxbillcee Exactly some of us! Lol
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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