11 14

I just hit Level 9.8, only 160K until Level 10!!! LOL

phxbillcee 10 May 5
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Congrats on reaching the level. I'm have less that 2,100 points until I reach level 8.6 . I'm here for the community is primary reason I'm here. The point system is just for fun.

freedom41 Level 9 May 6, 2021

I am here for the people not the points, if the amount of points were not published on the first page I would not look to see where I am, I do not care.


Upon the introduction of the new supervisor at the USPS, his 1st words were exactly as the meme. Made me want to focus on accuracy & not speed. Annual bonuses for management that eliminated overtime without sacrificing productivity.

Mooolah Level 8 May 6, 2021

Here are some more points since this seems to be a hobby of yours... =0}

Mooolah Level 8 May 6, 2021

I have been 8.4 for what seems like forever, despite posting and/or commenting daily. I've stopped caring.

Kynlei Level 8 May 6, 2021

Its not a big thing. The point is to have fun, interact & enjoy!


Hard to believe you haven’t gotten over that shit yet. Has anyone gotten there? Last I knew, cutiebeauty was close, but I see she never made it. What happened to Caitlyn? Too busy with babies?

KateOahu Level 8 May 6, 2021

I'm "over" it, but find it amusing. The Points are there, as is the Level System, so I notice. I just do what I do, & it's what I'd do regardless of points.

@MsKathleen, maybe they put out a hit on the ones getting close to the big 10 😉

@freeofgod then maybe it was a good thing that I left when I was 9.5?

@freeofgod If that is the case then Marionville is the next to go. She's dang close.


I'm only 9.5, the last year without travel has really racked up points.

glennlab Level 10 May 5, 2021

You have ALWAYS been a ‘10’ in my book!


Wow....Now we have to convince @Admin to offer some "carrot" some sort of token reward for reaching level 10!

Kudos, Bill!

Why? You have a free-of-ads web site on which to interact with like-minded people, where you can freely express your personal opinion...with the opportunity to connect with others you might like to get to know personally. That seems to be reward enough to me!

@MsKathleen Point taken...I hate the ads on that we're ad-free. I do wear my Agnostic T shirt I wouldn't mind getting another one of those, however...are you listening, @Admin?


Curious - so at 10 do you become one with the universe or just get another t shirt?

Nothing is listed at all, just as with reaching Level 9. As unresponsive as I've found this Admin to be I doubt there will even be recognition from that end.

@phxbillcee well I'm in awe if you make it - good luck my friend (and remember us little people ok LOL)

I'd like either...

@bookofmoron, I choose one with the universe 🙂


Still at 7.7

Take your time. I'm retired & disabled & enjoy doing this, so for me Posting different stuff is a labor of love. Not all are in my position. You just do you, Points are interesting, but in the end, don't mean diddly. Just have fun!


Nobody has reached it yet have they?

Rudy1962 Level 9 May 5, 2021

Nope, Cutie Beauty is closest, but she's been AWOL for some time. Marionville is very close, 100 K closer than I, so she'll likely be first as she produces Content every day (& very good Content I might add.) I don't think anyone else is closer than I am, tho, if I'm wrong feel free to tell me. I thought I'd be first at one time, but I took @ 2 yrs off, so...

@phxbillcee Right. I thought you would be also. It’s on my bucket list to get there. - longer it takes the longer I live

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