9 9

Imma just leave this here...

scurry 9 May 23
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For thoes who can't read it, it says:

"Me making one side of a meme backwards and the other side upside down so people won't understand it."

Welp, judging from the comments... I declair 'mission accomplished'. LOL

scurry Level 9 May 24, 2021

Can anyone give us an untwisted copy of the photo?

Mcflewster Level 8 May 24, 2021

See @altschmerz 's 2 Memes below, each untwisted & w/ different text.

Right under your original Response that got misinterpreted!


@scurry I must admit that the point of the meme (I have used another one myself in My science group on this site) is to sort out those who can work this out by themselves .We will need to do a lot more self sorting out in Future . This is mainly to make contact with those who cannot.


The mirror will not help if you do not try it.

Mcflewster Level 8 May 24, 2021

My mistake... I must have read it in the wrong 'voice'...
I had No Problem reading the meme at all.
It was The Point of the meme that was in question, and thus, I took the comment in the wrong way.
There are no external clues (body language, tone of voice) when reading text... Can lead to misinterpretation.
I apologize for any undue confusion or stress.


Just plain wonderful! Thank you!!

1950debris Level 7 May 23, 2021

Being able to read text inverted is a useful skill during negotiations across the table from the other person, their written position is clearly visible regardless of what they are saying.

Surfpirate Level 9 May 23, 2021

Is it not a co-incidence that politicians find all different ways of making their messages unclear to ordinary people. Religious tactics are just to use the delusional.

Mcflewster Level 8 May 23, 2021

I am a teacher so did not bat an eyelid at reading that.

Budgie Level 8 May 23, 2021

What Bill said.

glennlab Level 10 May 23, 2021

Well, I understood the text, still no idea what the "meme" was getting at??? Atomic Andrew? I fart greatly? Sorry, @scurry , I'm lost on this one...

phxbillcee Level 10 May 23, 2021

I'm kinda lost too... Hoped someone here would let me in on the joke.

@scurry You could start by finding a small (make-up? mirror

@Mcflewster Well, that was fairly nasty of you to say. Thanks for the personal attack.

@scurry, I don't think @Mcflewster was making a personal attack there. I may be wrong, but I think was thinking of using a small mirror to either check the text or reverse the meme picture, such as is used in some puzzles & games.

I still really don't get the point of the Meme, tho, even w/ @altschmerz 's above additions. Maybe I'm dense on both points.
(& believe me, If I did think anyone was unnecessarily dissing you, I would jump in. No one else better try & take my job!!! LOL)

@altschmerz Thanks for the confirmation. Tho I don't prescribe to the Argument from Popularity, it does help to get at least a second opinion. We all have certain cognitive gaps.

@phxbillcee I must admit that the point of the meme (I have used another one myself in My science group on this site) is to sort out those who can work this out by themselves .We will need to do a lot more self sorting out in Future . This is mainly to make contact with those who cannot.


The mirror will not help if you do not try it.

@Mcflewster I didn't think you were insulting @scurry , but you should direct that to her.
I did try a hand mirror, tho I didn't need it for the text. I thought it might sort out the pic a bit more. Not really, it's just sort of switched in half. I just found the Meme kinda pointless...but, it did generate some talk, tho!

@phxbillcee Well spotted. Can you think of another test for "Do you get it?"

@phxbillcee Have done Thanks

@Mcflewster I understand your comment now.

But initially read is as follows: (paraphrased)
Me: what's the joke?
Reply: get mirror.
Me: If I look in the mirror, I see myself. Is the implication that I Am the Joke??
Me: rereading comment ...and I need make-up?
😟 wth?? That seems uncalled for.

Anyhoo, we are past that now. 😉

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