6 5

(Now to get a bunch of folks mad, a little Bad Taste...some "Hot Stuff"!)

2 in the goo, 1 in the poo; 2 where it squirts, 1 where it hurts; 2 in the gash, 1 in the ass; 2 in the folds, 1 in the hole; 2 in the slit, 1 in the shit; 2 where you snack, 1 around back...

You guys got any others???

phxbillcee 10 July 6
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Two in the Blossom, One in the Awesome
Two in the Child, One in the Wild
Two in the Flirty, One in the Hurty
Two in the Eat, One in the Seat
Two in the Snail, One in the Tail
Two in the Squirt, One in the Hurt
Two in the Funs, One in the Runs
Two in the Classy, One in the Gassy
Two in the Gap, One in the Crap
Two in the Dame, One in the Shame
Two in the Sludge, One in the Fudge
Two in the Party, One in the Farty
Two in the F***, One in the Yuck
Two in the Blood, One in the Mud
Two in the Pimp, One in the Limp
Two in the Kids, One in the Skids
Two in the Bush, One in the Tush
Two in the Drip, One in the Rip
Two in the Fold, One in the Gold
Two in the Easy, One in the Sleazy
Two in the Wet, One in the Regret
Two in the Pregger, One in the Beggar
Two in the Humper, One in the Dumper
Two in the Beaver, One in the Fever
Two in the Porn, One in the Corn

Apparently there's a book of them...

Thanks for these additions!


Two in the mouth, one in the South. 😛

Thank you!


How about these?

"He's never gonna forget his 12th birthday, I'll tell ya' that!" LMAO!


Also, these...

SNL can still knock out an hilarious skit.

@phxbillcee For sho. Kate is one of the funniest cast members of all time.


How about the original? Two in the pink, one in the stink.

How could I have missed that one!!! Thanks!


Sing along with me, folks...

phxbillcee Level 10 July 6, 2021

Life hacks...

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