3 0
Looking dashing in new presidential atire . The Trudeau BASH THE FASH Look . Give Canadians some assurance . If you're anti Mandate you are the problem. No matter vaccination status.. Pro choice is now a far right position .

Everyone knows that lining up at testing sites , masked & socialy distancing,. Vaccine records in hand . You show the nurses testing you. 3: jabs have been administered so far. . As you wait to test for a virus you are vaccinated against. . Remember you are virtuous . The next booster may end the pandemic .

So don't question the science . Vaccinate . Test again as breakthrough cases emerge So get boosted , wear masks , social distance , don't share the soup in your flask.

Seriousreason 8 Feb 1
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Not sure what your point is, Kiwis tend to be clearer in their message.

SnowyOwl Level 8 Feb 1, 2022

Not clear what you or your video are trying to say.

Sorry I'll spell it out . Fuck the mandates.. !!

Trudeau demands truckers take vaccination like he did
So they avoid catching covid , like he did

Its not about people's health anymore . It's about compliance.

Vaccine =. Good . Government overeach by imposing tyrannical mandates forcing a medical procedure be taken by everyone , regardless of personal antibodies status
or high degree of drug efficacy =. Bad .



It's no joke when one who is unvaccinated has no social rights or human rights for existence, not ever been corruptly done before. . When there is no different between unvaxx or vaxxed in hospital beds per capita. The big lie is exposed and crumbling.

Speaking of the big lie .. Dinesh D'Souza doco . Showing evidence of ballot harvesting . Multiple documented , videoed evidence of 200 or so " employees posting 50- 60 - 120 postal ballots that are fake , frauds .Doing that in more than 80 different districts . Over 2000 of them doing it . Criminal activity caught on camera ..videos are dodgy as hell .. criminal.. Sadly I doubt the guilty will hang. Let alone any desirable outcome.


I don't care who makes the laws about stealing and killing. As long as they don't mandate for everyone like vaccines

They could mandate freedom, but slaves won't have it.

Rights Ha
. 🎵 Show them Who's wiser , can't wait to take the Pfizer . 1 2 3 4 . Booster baby give me more 🎶🎵 Mask up In the morning mask up at night 🎵 Believe that piece of cloth will repel covid by sight.🎶. 😝

Fear porn is real . Good news doesn't sell . So ramp up the hysteria . Be it valid or not...A scared population is easy to manipulate.

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