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If you need to force people, it isn't right.

glennlab 10 Mar 14
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Can someone tell Putin this? Please?

Robecology Level 9 Mar 15, 2022

As if a supreme being needed his puny subjects to legislate laws for him, right? These Republicans are setting the clock back with each law they propose—they’re a bunch of fucking cretins!


4. And it came to pass that the Lord did speak unto the Prophet Theologix saying
"Tell unto the people that the wrath of the lords is mighty
And then say unto them "all that is pleasurable in the eye of man is intolerable unto god"
5 And further declare that all that is intolerable to God is worthy of the terrible wrath of the Lord, which is mighty and unbelievably disproportionate.
6. And you shall call these forbidden pleasures SIN

7. And the Prophet did bow his head and wonder "Lord, does that not seem a bit of a dick move when thou did create pleasure in the first place?"
And the Lord did sigh and curse the prophet as a right Wally
8. And the Lord Spake thus "Know this foolish one Verily what God forbids, man will pay to do and will pay to be forgiven of in cold hard cash. For behold where there is sin, there are Profits for the Prophets!"
9. And the Prophet did see that the Lord was indeed wise and did cry out, let this be the one commandment "God loves cash"
10. And the Lord did grin and say unto Theologix "Now you're getting the idea Bozo, now get thee unto an accountant."

Book of Profits, Chapter one verses 4 - 10


also you have no true happiness if you are bent on destroying others

joeandbarb Level 7 Mar 14, 2022

I have no time for the mental defectives, bigots and assholes who try force their own personal values onto other people. This includes all Reaganites, Trumpsters, anti-abortionists, white supremacists, Christian supremacists and those oppose equal rights for every LBGTQI person.

anglophone Level 9 Mar 14, 2022

but punishment ( or threats of punishment) is what keeps the sheep coming isn't it?

I enjoy slaughtering and cooking sheep, particularly when I have mint sauce to hand.

@anglophone A nice leg of lamb is one Easter tradition this nonbeliever still enjoys! 😋😂

@p-nullifidian Bunny is better.

@glennlab Only if they’re chocolate, for me at least. 😉

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