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Most republicans today refusing to see the truth about tRump.

noworry28 8 Aug 21
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How many democrats still believe in Russiagate? How many worship the drone king Obama?
Polarised indoctrinated fools occur on both sides

puff Level 8 Aug 21, 2022

You must be another trumpidiot.🤣🤣

@noworry28 Trump is a psycho twat. Just saying those who live in glass houses should think before they throw stones

@puff You are absolutely right. I started off as being a republican as a young adult. switched over to being a democrat and heavily involved in politics. I've learned that both parties and even the libertarian parties are complete trash. Their ideals don't match their lifestyle and there are no real solutions. At the end of the day people are just people. We still have not solved the major problems in America which is caused by greed. That's on all sides. The overall system in America is trash. Didn't vote for trump nor do i like him as a politician or a human. I just understand the world does not revolve around a miniscule figure such as him so i put no time or energy talking or laughing about the trash that he is or his right winged confused sheep.
-World Wisdom Federation-


That also explains religion in a nut shell.

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 21, 2022

Repeating the lies is virtue signaling. Without their social network of white trash, they'd be as lonely as an Incel, which most of they are.

racocn8 Level 9 Aug 21, 2022

must admit it's simply staggering

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