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Hello to the members in the northern states and Canada 😁

noworry28 8 Nov 19
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Although I would rather Florida not be part of the USA, it is ... so the "Hey USA" seems a bit odd.


Trade my short-term cold (easily fixed) for your 24/7/365 Giant Swarms of Giant Bugs problem....not!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Nov 19, 2022

My house is a wreck from Ian. I can see clear blue sky through the roof. Well, at least it is warm clear blue sky! (FYI The nice weather doesn’t make up for the hurricanes&hellip😉

Stay strong


Yeah but you're still in Florida so we're even

It's not as bad as you see on tv. I live in south Florida so the crazies are a minor nuisance, unlike the northern part of the state.


I moved to Florida from NY decades ago for just this reason.

Robecology Level 9 Nov 19, 2022

Rub it in.


The cold is worth not having the crazies.

Theresa_N Level 8 Nov 19, 2022

Unless you look for the crazies, it's not that big of a deal. I am an atheist black man and I don't have any issues with them.

Ship the crazies to Oklahoma and fence it.

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