Uh, no! I'm looking for a partner, not a clone!
Such things exist?
Have no idea. Wouldn't surprise me if they did.
@mistymoon77 I mean joint Facebook pages
@MrLink I know a couple who share each others FB accounts. Think its thru passwords somehow but not sure really.
I have a cousin that does this, I’m never sure if I’m responding to her or her husband. Being married should not mean loosing your identity! My buddy who was best-man at my wedding has been instructed to break a chair over my head If I every say I’m getting married again, he’s like a sponsor that don’t take no shit!
My brother and sister in law. I address it to whichever one I'm trying to reach. Responses though? Baffled!
Boy...this would get interesting during her menstrual cycles.
I've never understood that.
Seems ridiculous and insecure.
Not to mention lack of trust and controlling
@mistymoon77 Yeah. All adding up to a very unhealthy relationship. That gets a great big "no, thank you" from me
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.