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do we have freedom?

metalhead222 8 July 22
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They are fighting for the rights granted them by the Constitution and Bill of Rights

zorialoki Level 8 July 22, 2018

did you know in time of war , its legal for the gov to drone strike its own people if there protesting? don't recall reading that in the bill of rights

The Constitution and Bill of Rights do not grant any rights. They recognize the rights we inherently have as humans.


also sorry learned my lesson on this 1 lmao


wow the point to me is we fight for privlidges because our rights can be taken away anytime the government deems it nec . so if that's the case there not rights at all


I wouldn't believe you.


Still waiting for clarification.

KKGator Level 9 July 22, 2018

How do you interpret voter suppression? Abortion rights? Freedom of the Press? The right to even protest? The 14th amendment?

Exactly which protests do you think are about privileges other than neo-Nazis and the clan.

Memes should stick to humor. They are woefully inadequate for portraying social issues.

JimG Level 8 July 22, 2018

Those things that you mention are privileges to a conservative.


Civil rights marchers were seeking rights. That was long ago.
So more recently the Womens' march...I think equal pay for equal work was one plank. That doesn't sound like a privilege. Not to be governed my an confessed molester. Privilege? Maybe.
Even the Vietnam War protesters, long ago, marched to end an unjust use of their money and lives. Privilege or Right? I'm not sure what you'd call it.

CallMeDave Level 8 July 22, 2018

Yawn fuck conservatives.

Kojaksmom Level 8 July 22, 2018

I like you already


Here it comes, another wave of frantic rage (from either side, it doesn't matter anymore).... at this point, some people may have already forgotten what are they complaining about

IamNobody Level 8 July 22, 2018

Exactly to which "privileges" are you referring?

KKGator Level 9 July 22, 2018
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Posted by Ryo1

Posted by noworry28Yep, that's why.

Posted by noworry28Guilty, Guilty, convicted felon.

Posted by noworry28Guilty, Guilty, convicted felon.

Posted by noworry28Guilty, Guilty, convicted felon.

Posted by glennlabPlace blame where it properly belongs

Posted by CliffordCook4 out of 10 Americans are non-Christian. The USA is not a Christian nation. America belongs to everybody.

Posted by noworry28My ten commandments.

Posted by noworry28Critical thinking, research, and facts will become a crime under tRump.

Posted by noworry28He is a disgrace.

Posted by noworry28MAGA tRumpidiot and some Russian propaganda spreaders.

Posted by CliffordCookImmigrants are not invading America.

Posted by noworry28He is imaginary.

Posted by CliffordCookIf you REALLY want to confront antisemitism, and you’re not just using antisemitism as a convenient political weapon to bash your enemy, start with the origins of antisemitism in Christianity.

Posted by CliffordCookIf your religion ends in burning people in a lake of fire just because they don't want to join your religion, no, it is not a religion of love.

Posted by YoujaesYa know, this would be a really cool pet, and genetic engineering just might make them.

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