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Follow up to Nancy Drew meme last night...

Sirena 7 Aug 1
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Good one.. stealing. 🙂


I really never did like the "I don't give a fuck" saying. It was never me because I have always cared or gave a fuck about everything. I read some memes say "I have no fucks to give." What does that mean? Are You totally uncaring about anything at all. What do you all give a fuck about? What do you not give a fuck about? Life, liberty, and the pursuit for happiness is what we all should want for everyone. Has being shit on by others for so long blinded us to hate everyone.

Partyhawk Level 7 Aug 2, 2018

So I'm going to attempt to answer this without sarcasm. There are people that care and they care too much. They expose themselves in a way that they get hurt, often. This could be due to this person not caring enough for themselves, it could be because they were raised this way, it can be many factors. So to be you and not let others influence you or "fuck with you"... You run out of fucks to give. At least that's my experience and some my RL friends as well.

@Sirena I agree with you. I've always wore my heart on my shoulder. Once in awhile I'll throw a 5, 10, or 20 to homeless person. I'll get up and help anyone no matter what time, day or night, except if I'm doing something that can't wait. I prefer to set the example, teach others to care, to show other the good side of humanity. If we all gave a fuck this would be a better place for everyone. I think this frame of mind needs to change because we are passing this stuff to the younger generation. It's our future we are molding. We are their teachers so If we are going to be better then those we criticize then we need to show we are better. This is how the Christian preachers are teaching their flocks, blaming us as doing the devils work. We are better then this for what we know is real. I made that statement for others to think about. I can say "I don't give a fuck what others think about me", which is legit. I think it best to be specific about what you don't give a fuck about. To many people come to the wrong conclusion. This I learned while in the military. I was an informal ambassador to the U.S. and my actions reflected who we Americans are. Well we are informal ambassadors to humanity and our actions reflect who we are are as a species.


Thanks! I needed one!

mek7730 Level 7 Aug 1, 2018

D'awww cute lil' thing

I love rats!

@Carin me too. They are cute

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