7 10

I know I'm going to open up a hornet's nest here, but people should stop telling other people what to do about their health. No one tells the haters to stop being an asshole before they open up their mouths. Go Tess Holliday! Ok, so it's stretching it to call this a meme, but I'm trying to start one.

Full disclosure, one of my loved ones is about the same dress size as Holiday. That love one's weight came about as the result of medication that she must take so that she will not die. She also has Multiple Sclerosis which means that her immune system is attacking her mylin which connects her nerves. She is allergic to pain medications so to suggest that she exercise to get rid of the weight is medically impossible. Most medical professionals are surprised that she isn’t bedridden. She struggles through an immense amount of pain to do what the rest of us do. Since muscles burn fat, she has the weight even though she eats very little. She gets nauseous too. Medical marijuana is federally illegal so health insurance won’t pay for it. If you’ve got hundreds of dollars to spend on it, all power to you. She doesn’t. Once again, the rich get what they need and the poor don’t

Another loved one is also taking a medication required for her to live which also caused her to gain weight. She has Polymyositis which disproportionately affects young black women. This is an immune disease which attacks the muscles. So, suggesting an amount of exercise sufficient to reduce weight is ludicrous as she is weak and also pain. As I said above, less muscle, less muscle more fat. She eats healthy foods from Whole Foods, etc.

One woman lost hundreds of pounds only to gain them back again. The doctor asked her why and she said that she had been gang raped when young. At the new weight, a man showed an interest in her causing her to get the trauma again. So, she gained weight to prevent male interest. There are many women who have this issue as the victim is made to look like they “wanted it”, or torn down in some other way that the perpetrators get off free.

For the people who don’t have medical or psychological trauma issues, you are paying for these people to gain weight by having the companies that make people gain weight not pay their taxes. The food industry with its fattening high fructose corn syrup causes weight gain and diabetes. We don’t need all of that sugar. The diet industry is promoting bad diets which people can’t follow and then gaining more weight as they lose muscle on these diets. Why can’t the FDA approve these diets? Why can’t we learn realistic diets in public school? Why can’t there be a warning label on bad diets or overly sweet drinks that it can lead to diabetes? Why can’t your health care give you a dietitian to help you and follow up on you?

If someone is working 2, 3 jobs due to low wages do they have time to exercise or prepare a healthy meal?

So, these people who think that they know everything, are truly misinformed. You can also exercise at any weight assuming you’re not working yourself to death or other factors.

Tess Holliday is the first supersize supermodel. Her appearance on the cover of this magazine and another makes history.

taichifan 7 Sep 20
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Love love love her! #FYourBeautyStandards


We should be able to choose any lifestyle we want, even one from which we'll die young. But we have to do it by ourselves and not involve other people.

SukiSue Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

Among my friends, I'll point out it only takes a few pounds of belly fat to increase risks of heart disease. Yeah, I've told a few haters to STFU too, I don't want their negativity invading my space.
Stating a simple medical fact shouldn't be offensive.

We all have to face consequences of our actions.

I don't make a big deal out of people's choices that don't impact me though. I have friends who are hostile towards heavy people or smokers and that's immature and counterproductive IMO


Why does any individual think they have the right to criticize another? The beauty standards inposed on women in this country are obscene. And I find it particularly ridiculous when women impose them on each other. Criticizing poeple for not looking and acting in a manner which you feel is correct or appropriate is judgemental behavior. I've seen enough of that from religion. I expect better from a group of people who consider themselves "free thinkers".

Duke Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

Nope. Get the carbs out of the diet, get the sugar out of the diet & get a hobby that requires movement. Garden, run, walk fast, bicycle, box, chop wood, do stuff. You are gonna die & I don't want to pay for it. If one is on meds which has weight gain as a side effect , one has to adjust one's lifestyle accordingly. There is no excuse for obesity.

Mooolah Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

No, it's not. & folks are free to kill themselves in whatever manner they choose, in my opinion. If she feels ok, now, good for her, but stuff does tend to catch up with you, whether it's excessive weight, smoking, over-use of certain drugs or drink, & the list goes on. If one is an adult, the choices are theirs. Since I don't know this woman I have no real interest or concern in whatever she does. Just please, when you do stroke out or have an early heart attack, don't fall on me!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 20, 2018

&, to answer @KKGator's comment below, which I didn't see until I posted mine, this goes for any male, too! & I will admit, tho I am trying, still, to quit, that I still smoke cigarettes, which is dumb as hell. So I am not casting stones. Some, & the operative word is some, larger folk, are more healthy & comfortable at a larger weight. Alas, way too many people, male & female, are overweight or obese in this country, & there are real health risks. Now, is it MY personal business what someone else does? Not really. But not to recognize a health risk, or to overlook it is also dishonest!

@phxbillcee I understand your point(s). I, however, do not feel remotely qualified to say anything to anyone else about their eating habits, or any other damned thing.
I quit smoking three months ago. That was MY choice, which I made for a number of reasons. Could I be doing even more to improve my health? Probably. Will I? Maybe. However, I don't want anyone else telling me what I "ought" to be, or "should" be, doing. It's none of their fucking business, and I'm not interested in their "good intentions".
I have doctors for that, and I listen to them.

What anyone else does is their business. It doesn't matter what I think, and unless I am directly asked for an opinion, I keep my damned mouth shut.

@KKGator As I said, I don't know her, so I don't give a rat's ass. I sure won't be digging the hole for that grave, tho!


Your point is well-made, sir.
I know a number of larger women, and their health is better than many of
their, much smaller, sisters.
I also find it interesting that the criticisms are much more directed at women than men. Interesting, but NOT remotely surprising.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 20, 2018
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