We have another prude here people!! Two memes of mine this morning have been denied. I may know who, as only a few regulars who liked them and one who didn't...
For the last time porn and spam are the ONLY two criteria our mods look for on here.
Porn = people visually fucking
Spam = Outside links that aren't YouTube or Facebook.
I, personally, will call out racist memes, as a "private citizen", & may have a talk on border-line cases with the OP, but...if you don't like these posts, please, for all our sakes, pass by or go away!
If you are a card carrying member of the social police please move on...
This is absolute BULLSHIT PEOPLE! If you don't like this group, don't like whats being posted.. move the FUCK ON!!! Stop being a dick already.. damn.. GROW UP! I am so fucking sick of this shit.
I am determined to weed them out!
Now, this doesn't mean you can't have an issue with a particular meme, but, most of the time you can pass it on by. If it really gets your panties in a bunch, you can Comment on it & state your case...free expression is always allowed. Try to stay on topic & not get personal, tho. Next step would be a PM to the individual if it is a private/personal matter. Then there are the Mods, the lovely & talented @MichelleGar1 & myself. That's what we're here for!
If you find too many Posts offend you, you may want to find another Group. "Bad taste is encouraged!" But if I find out for sure there is a self-appointed reporter here, you will be Blocked! Is that clear?
What he said....
@EricTrommater Thanks for the support, Boss!
@phxbillcee God Damn Normies ruin everything!
I'm very curious. I want to see the memes!!!
Maybe Ron will PM them to you.
same here
@Captnron59 I guess I'm going to have to stay on the late shift if I want to see all your humor.
@glennlab and @captnron59
That's unfair! Did I see the memes???
Have you figure out who is too prone?
Heck.... I don't even know the procedure to report a meme. (No @phxbillcee. No need to explain) ??
@Captnron59 I didn't see anything to get butt hurt over, or I would have remembered it, if it's just funny, I laugh and go on, if it's not, I just go on.
@Captnron59 prude, not prone... keyboard and crooked fingers ?
Perhaps they were envious and took them.We need openness some one has to be responsible for their actions and be polite enough to give you a reason.
@Captnron59 They totally removed mine.. but its going up again.. joke em of they can't fuck it. I don't care anymore.
What's going on here? Sorry about that Ron! I have no idea of who or why this is happening!
Yeah, whoever this is didn't contact either you or I about them, just ran to Mommy. If it does turn out to be this person, & any others that do this, they will be Blocked from the Group! Let them go to the tame memes Groups if they can't live & let live. I saw these Posts. I might have talked with Ron on one of them, but I would have talked with Ron,...not Admin!
Hey! You got your t-shirt!!! Awesome!
@phxbillcee Yes I did! Love it!!!!
Give us a hint...not about "who" but about what the topics of your memes were. The point is to make sure you know the community standards, not who's doing the judging.
Ron knows the Community Standards & has been pushing them on a regular basis. I've called him on a few. But, I speak to Ron, first. If anyone has a problem with a meme it should go from a comment on that Meme, to a PM to that individual (politely!), to the Mods before it ever goes right to Admin or Site Support. But, it appears we have a few self-appointed Social Arbiters that figure they should make the calls. Well, they can do it elsewhere! If I find them they will be gone!
What happened to freedom of meme posting?
We've never totally had that. This has been an ongoing problem.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.