You should watch the discussion between Larry Elder and David Rubin. Statistically, cops are ten times less likely to shoot a black person. That's based on a formal study.
Wow, I have a hard time believing that.
And I'm not even going to watch something a conservative put on YouTube.
@BeeHappy []
@RavenCT Dave Rubin is a liberal. Larry Elder is a black conservative. But, what the hell, why would you want to watch it? There's a high probability you'll learn something that doesn't align with your beliefs. You sure wouldn't want to find out you might be wrong about something, would you?
Could it be because there are 10X less blacks???
@phxbillcee how is that relevant to a cop being 10 times more likely to shoot a white person? It's not based on an average, it's a real time decision.
It's skewed stats.
@phxbillcee Precisely!
@BeeHappy omfsm! That video has been discredited so many times I couldn't sell it a car because it's beacon score would be too low. It pops up on my Facebook and the pile of evidence that discredit it gets put out and then some idiot reposts it because ...fuck facts I have a video.
@phxbillcee and also because of the urban versus rural crime rate.
@BeeHappy because it's nonsense.
@RavenCT read the title of the snopes article you posted, then reread my comment. They aren't the same thing. I made no statements about how many of who of what color are shot by whom. What I cited is a statistic that states there's a higher probability that a cop will shoot a white person than a black person. That statement is substantiated by the nyt article. It seems you're so invested in your preconceived notions, you can't even step far enough away to be able to see the distinction I'm try to make. I'm happy to discuss the elements you're trying to turn this into, but you won't like that real data any better.
@Taijiguy All I said was, I had a hard time believing it. With that, you made some assumptions about me, someone you don't even know. I don't appreciate the attack. We try to maintain a self-imposed civility within our discussions on this site, even if or when we disagree. Please try to respect that.
@EricTrommater this is first I've heard of it.. (read it) any thing I've seen that tried to discredit his statements were inaccurate references (like in this conversation where the likely hood of a cop shooting a black vs. white was compared inaccurately to the number of instances) Any examples of these discredits?
Good guy with a gun...
Love it!
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