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Oh nooooooo???? 8k miles away,booooom!???

Boomtarat03 9 Mar 6
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How many times a week does one need to have sex in order to be able to write a grammatically correct sentence? Obviously far more than this guy's getting.

Ludo Level 7 Mar 6, 2019

who wants to be white and why


What is this "sex" of which you speak?


Whiter skin is not a concern of mine.
Neither is sex.
I was kind of surprised when that happened. Not so much anymore.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 6, 2019

>Whiter skin is not a concern of mine.

Never on Myth Busters: Once you've tried black, you never come back.

@WonderWartHog99 Still don't care.

@KKGator I remain baffled that in Florida there are places with tanning beds.

@WonderWartHog99 The people who use those think they're too busy to lay out in the sun to tan.
The beds speed up the process of tanning, AND getting skin cancer.
It's a win/win.

@KKGator I blame my skin cancer from all those hours of yard work and gardening. I'd always wear a shirt, big sun hat and slathered sun screen on myself. Four different women saw me naked and asked me serious questions about what it was on my back. Took the doctors several visits over several years to realize what it was. One dermatologist told me "It's a keeper."

Petunia remains bitter that I bled on the love seat, rather than get me a fresh bandage before I had the surgery. A quart of spot remover went on that love seat before the blood stains went away. Then Percy, my Tom cat, started sharpening his claws on it.

I'm not sure what will be going next: the love seat, Percy or me.

I have a feeling all the doctors I go to graduated at the bottom of their class.


Except if it's on the beach around noon...?


Sounds like something Trump would say! ?

MojoDave Level 9 Mar 6, 2019

Also helps to lose weight. Clear her complexion and makes hair full and shiny.

Mokvon Level 8 Mar 6, 2019

If she wants indoors, maybe.


Go to the beach three times a week! Boom! Hahaha

LOL...I posted my beach sex idea (above) before I scrolled down and saw yours.....🙂

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