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Found On Road Dead.....

EricTrommater 9 Mar 11
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2001 SVT Cobra.
I have no complaint with MY FORD!


Fix Or Repair Daily
Fuckin Old Rebuilt Dodge


How about an Edsel lol

Mechanically they were decent - although there were some issues...they ran just below regular fords in quality...but they were priced higher than them. That, coupled with a recession when the cars came out...sank them.

. They also had the first popular hardtop was their ugly looks..."like a ford sucking a lemon" that sank the car..



Here's the hard-top convertible in action (although being restored, in side a shop).

@Robecology you know so much about cars, why don't you expand your telsa group to all cars?

@Cutiebeauty Na..

...if you go on FB you see there's so many Tesla groups....

this one here on is bound to get busy....

and if it don't...I'm cool with that.

I'd be spending too much time trying to convince gas car owner/drivers to switch anyway.

If you and/or Fred (?) haven't test driven one yet....please sign up to do so. They don't haggle with you, won't check your cash flow, etc. And it will be a very eye-opening couple of hours....There's one in Brooklyn, one is Westchester.

BTW - any owner can give you a discount code...just ask.


@Robecology haha this ain't facebook ... And who's Fred?

@Cutiebeauty I'm sorry; you've mentioned the man in your life's name....but I forgot it...that's why I put a question mark next to the name...LOL! It's Frankie, right? Wow...presumptuous of me to even call him a "man"....sorry!


I've eaten a few of those

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