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It’s like that sometimes lol

BohoHeathen 8 Apr 2
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AND IN RE dating on agnostics... my profile pic, MY FACE, is in my photos, not in the upper left corner. I've had to tell about 1/2 dozen women TWICE to LOOK IN MY PHOTOS.. It kinda weeds em out. If ya can't follow instructions.....


Yeah, this is not a dating site.

If it isn't a dating site, it ought to be. Almost all the profiles (except for odd balls like myself) say something on the lines of:

  1. Looking for men;
  2. Looking for women;
  3. Looking for whatever gender it wants to be, and;
  4. All of the above.

It's about 10% of the members say they're not looking; don't ask. I'm in the 10%. It gives me the impression most people here are single or willing to lie about it.

I'm waiting for someone to put in their profile they want sex if it's immoral, illegal, twisted and come home Lassie.

@WonderWartHog99 It's an older crowd. These women have been chewed up and spit out my a misogynistic society and the men who try to rule it. Add the self image ideals that again mostly men push, and all the trouble it takes just to get laid, no wonder this isn't a dating site as much as a "venting"site.

@Lop-Eared-Mule These women have been chewed up and spit out my a misogynistic society and the men who try to rule it.

There are darn few societies that are matriarchal and these are the women who feel pissed about that. Sounds like a good reason to get pissed to me but what you going to do? Ship 'em off to Kihnu, Estonia so they can get an unfair share of the pie?

Like the guy in my profile picture, I figure women who want equality have set the bar low. He wrote the book about the superiority of women.

>this isn't a dating site as much as a "venting"site.

You got that right. It's rare anyone tells success stories. Bunch of whiners.


I'm not sure how this will work for those of us of the feminine persuasion. But I'm game for giving it a try.

If you say in your profile you don't want a relationship; just one night with a guy if he brings his own Vaseline and six lemon flavored condoms -- you'll do okay.

I promise I won't explain why they have to be lemon flavored.

Realistically, the trick is to find a long running e-mail correspondence with anyone that isn't insane before meeting them. The sane ones can be difficult to find. Lord, I've heard too many tales from bug eyed women.

@WonderWartHog99 Moot conversation since you did react to my post. Phew!

@SiouxcitySue If that's your game, I'll give you a hug emoji and wait for the panic to settle in.😉

@WonderWartHog99 I'm still worrying about the lemon flavored condoms.

@SiouxcitySue Last few times I gave out details about options on sexual mechanics (such as lemon flavored condoms), they deleted my response.

@WonderWartHog99 Now my imagination is running wild. Lemon was my favorite flavor until I mentally started thinking about it and condoms. Now all I can think about is douching.


Happens to me everytime I post in the general area of mean not in a group. It gives me a good excuse to go fuck myself though

Rudy1962 Level 9 Apr 2, 2019

It's a wild guess what will tickle a group's fancy. Sometimes I guess wrong.


That's not always a bad thing lol. ?

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 2, 2019

Get back here. I haven't made a bad decision for a while...

(I'M KIDDING! I'm sure you're NOT a bad decision. Wait... I'm not sure this explanation helped me at all.)

Duke Level 8 Apr 2, 2019

Maybe the site just had a glitch....

@BohoHeathen it's an age old problem here was our very first post on "Memes R Us"

@BohoHeathen IKR?...and free!

@altschmerz normies....who needs 'em.


Lol too funny! This counts as a response right??

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