8 15

Let's just ban him.

joeymf86 8 Apr 16
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Can we ban him from the planet? Surely Elon will chip in to shoot that orange shit into outer space....


My late husband, who could make me mad enough to kick him, alway said "Negative Attention is Still Attention." I think phony dony believes the same thing.Negative or not, If we're talking about him we aren't talking about anything else.


Just don't read his tweets, idk.

I don't, but news organizations and other social media always talks about what he's currently tweeting so that makes it difficult to avoid them.

@joeymf86 understood. Thsts one of several reasons why I don't have cable or satellite tv.


he says antisemitic crap all the time, omar says one bad thing about right wing crazies in isreal and he is all over her= hypocrite

rephrase that all she said is she should not have swear duel alliance to be on a foreign affairs committee , anyone with common sense will agree with that


Ban him! Then lock him up! 😡😡

MojoDave Level 9 Apr 16, 2019

Don’t ban him. He will eventual bury himself. I’d much rather know who we are dealing with.

darthfaja Level 7 Apr 16, 2019

Here's the petition. 16,261 have signed. Let’s get to 25,000!....Please sign it?


Robecology Level 9 Apr 16, 2019

Ban the bastard. That way there would less people and countries mad at us.

freedom41 Level 9 Apr 16, 2019
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